Meeting the parents

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"Y/N, who's that guy on your phone screen?" My mum asks me after I've showed her the time.
"Oh, no one," I say, blushing slightly as I secretly make a mental note to change my lock screen as soon as possible.
"Oh, it's a shame. You sure do look like you know him," she teases, referring to my lock screen of me and my boyfriend, Josh. We're kissing each other whilst Josh holds the camera; it's quite romantic if I'm being honest.
"Oh, fine. He's my boyfriend," I say. My mum instantly looks interested.
"He's your boyfriend? He looks like a canary," she says, chuckling a little. "But seriously, how long have you guys been dating for?"
"Um, around a month or so?" I answer, making it sound more like a question.
"And you haven't introduced him to me?"
"Well, I knew if I had to introduce him to you, I'd have to introduce him to Dad, and we both know that could go either way. He could love him or he could hate him."
"Invite this boyfriend of yours over," Mum says, "I wanna meet him. I promise I won't tell your dad."


"Your parents want to what?!" Josh cries once I've told him what my mum said.
"My mum wants to meet you. Oh, and before you ask what you wear, I'd just wear what you usually wear. Just be yourself," I say, poking his sun tattoo on his tattoo sleeve to show that I'm joking. Josh instantly rushes upstairs, and I follow, eager to see what he chooses to wear. I sit on the bed whilst Josh throws out every single item in his wardrobe, and I hear him sigh and mutter as he can't decide what to wear. Eventually, he chooses a white vest top and a purple t-shirt over it that says, 'Mentally dating Jøsh Dun' on it, along with some red Nike shorts and red leggings underneath. He goes into the bathroom to change.
"Ta da," he says, coming out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. I cannot help but laugh as I realise he's got his shorts on inside out.
"It's perfect, but you've got your shorts inside out, you dork."
"Oh." He quickly takes off his shorts and turns them the right way out. He completes the look with a black beanie covering his neon yellow hair, and red trainers.
"Let's go!" I declare, skipping out the bedroom door, and out the door.


"And we're here!" I say, parking outside my mum's flat.
"How come you have stairs outside your house?" Josh inquiries.
"No idea. But it looks pretty cool, right?" I say as I open the car door. I wait as Josh adjusts his t-shirt, despite it being perfect.
"I-I for-"
"C'mon, you bean! It'll be fine. I'm here with you!" I say, taking his hand and walk up the stairs. I knock on the front door and wait for someone to answer it. My dad opens the door, and stares Josh up and down, taking in his tattoos and piercings. I frown slightly, puzzling over why my dad is here, then realise my mum must've invited him.
"You must be Y/N's boyfriend. She never told me your name," my dad says, glaring at Josh.
"Uh, hi, I-I'm Josh," Josh stutters, extending his arm so that Dad can shake his hand. He doesn't, and Josh drops his arm limply.
"Come in." We both walk in, and I place my hand on Josh's back, giving it a little rub to calm him down.
"He doesn't like me," Josh mumbles sadly as we both take off our shoes at the bottom of the inside stairs leading to the hallway.
"Hi, you must be Josh, it's so nice to finally meet you. Come in, come in," Mum says, and comes we all go into the living room where I cannot help but gasp when I see Mum has set up the table for dinner.
"I didn't know what you liked to eat, so I made Mac and Cheese. I hope that's ok."
"That's fine, thanks so much," Josh says, a little unsure of where to sit. In the end, he chooses the chair right next to the TV, and I sit at the end of the table, opposite Dad. Mum sits opposite Josh, and he looks around awkwardly.
"Is-is it ok if I say a little something before dinner? I mean, I'm not sure what religion you guys are, or if you're atheists, but I just usually say a little thanks before dinner," Josh explains, blushing a little. 
"That's fine. You go ahead," I say, smiling at him. Josh rubs his hands together anxiously as he says a little thanks very quietly, almost mumbling it, and we all say Amen. We then tuck into dinner, which is lovely.
"So, Josh, how did you and Y/N meet?" Dad asks Josh. He swallows and sips at his water before speaking.
"We met on holiday. I went to Bali in December with some friends, and she was there with one of my close friends. She was dating him at the time, but I remember thinking that she was beautiful. We kept in contact, and then recently ran into each other, and hit it off straight away. And, uh, that's how we know each other." My stomach does flips when Josh mentions my ex-boyfriend, especially because Dad did not like my ex and how he broke my heart, and - judging by the way he's glaring at Josh - he doesn't like him either.
"You mean you knew her low-life excuse of an ex-boyfriend?" Dad says to Josh.
"Yeah, we were quite close friends, but-"
"BUT NOTHING! GET OUT!" Dad roars, standing up. I stand up too, absolutely fuming.
"WHY SHOULD HE? HE HASN'T HEARD FROM MY EX IN AGES! HOW DARE YOU JUDGE JOSH AND COMPARE HIM TO MY EX? WE'RE GOING!" I shout, and walk out into the hallway, Josh following me. I don't realise he's shaking until he's struggling to put on his trainers.
"Hey, I'll help," I say softly, helping his shaking hands tie his laces.
"Thanks. I probably made it ten times worse, didn't it?" He says.
"You didn't," I hear my mum say. Me and Josh turn around and notice her smiling sadly at us. "You guys should probably go just to let Y/N's dad to calm down, but you're a sweet guy, Josh. I like you," she says to Josh. We walk down the stairs, and are about to go out the front door when Mum stops us.
"Hey, here's some Oreos. Enjoy." She hands me the packet, and smiles ever so slightly at me. I blush as she just laughs and Josh looks at us, extremely confused.

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