"Blurry's the one I'm not." (Jyler)

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A/N: For our English homework, we had to write a story. This is my story that I wrote, and I couldn't wait to share it with you guys. Enjoy!

This was going to be a terrible day, one of those days when it's best to stay in bed because everything is going to turn out bad. At least that's what Tyler Joseph thought as he buried himself under the duvet. He could hear his wife, Jenna, clattering about in the kitchen as she made breakfast. They often took turns making food so it wouldn't be unfair, but Tyler had to admit that he wasn't a good cook.
Music, on the other hand, was his speciality.
"Good morning, Ty," he heard his wife say. She sounded close, so he poked his head up from under the duvet. He smiled slightly, and couldn't help but admire her; she was beautiful, with her bright blue eyes, and blonde hair tied up in a bun, and she was wearing some ripped jeans and one of Tyler's hoodies.
"Hey, Jenna," Tyler said quietly.
"Are you ok, my love?" Jenna asked, picking up on his mood.
"Bit tired, that's all." It wasn't a complete lie; Tyler was tired, he just didn't want to say why he was tired due to the fear of worrying Jenna. She just nodded, and told him that breakfast was ready, but her voice was laced with a bit of anger. She walked out of the bedroom without saying another word.
"Well haven't you messed everything up?" A small voice of doubt said nastily in Tyler's head. Tyler sighed softly, not answering back - he was too tired to fight today.

Eventually, after 20 minutes of psyching himself up, Tyler emerged downstairs, showered, and dressed in black jeans, red socks, a plain black t-shirt, and a black kimono - with pink flowers on it - over the t-shirt. Before he entered the dining room, he ran a hand through his short brown hair, looking at himself in the hallway mirror. His brown eyes looked sadly back at him, and his slightly tanned skin emphasised his black tattoos. He was slim, which made his t-shirt look slightly baggy on him, but he didn't mind.
He walked over to the dining room door, and - just as he was about to open it - he heard a voice.

A man's voice.

Tyler froze up, anxiety churning in his stomach.
"Jenna, these pancakes are delicious!"
"Thanks, Josh. Now, I wonder where Tyler is?"
Tyler recognised the man's voice; it was his best friend, Josh. He pushed open the door with a smile on his face.
"Hey, Jenna, my love, how are you? And fancy seeing you here, Josh!"
Josh waved at him, swallowed his pancake, and spoke:
"Hey, Tyler, how are you, dude?"
Tyler helped himself to a pancake, and was just about to reply when he saw someone else sitting at the table.

It was the body who the voice of doubt belonged to.

He was sitting opposite Tyler, and all dressed in black, and had black boot polish on his hands, wrists and neck, along with gleaming red eyes. He also had a red beanie, and looked exactly like Tyler (apart from the red eyes and boot polish).
"Hello, Blurry," Tyler said.
"Hello, Tyler," the man - who was called Blurry - said to him, his voice thick and deep as if he had something stuck in his throat and couldn't get it out, "did you miss me?"
Before Tyler could reply, Josh nudged him.
"Dude, Jenna asked you a question!" He hissed at Tyler.
"Oh, er, sorry, love," Tyler apologised, looking down sheepishly at Jenna, who looked slightly worried.
"Ty, you ok?"
"Yes," Tyler and Blurry answered together.

"WHAT are you DOING here?" Tyler snapped at Blurry once they got into the kitchen. Blurry smirked at him.
"You're too tired to fight me mentally, so I thought to myself, 'Why don't we fight physically instead?'" He stepped closer to Tyler, who shifted his weight to one slide slightly. He murmured something under his breath.
"What was that?" Blurry asked, anger clouding his eyes. He hated Tyler, absolutely hated him for fighting him instead of accepting him. With one lunge, he grabbed Tyler by the shoulder, and held him tightly.

Then he punched Tyler in the jaw, knocking him out cold.

"Ty, you alright?"
"Tyler, baby, please wake up!"
Tyler groaned, then looked up at Josh and...Jenna? He blinked a few times, his eyes adjusting to the light. Yeah, it was Jenna, his beautiful wife.
"W-where is he?" Tyler slurred, sitting up. Surprisingly, his head didn't spin much, but he sat up slowly anyway, taking in his surroundings. He was in the bedroom, slightly buried under the duvet.
"Where's who?" Josh asked him.
"You didn't take your meds yet, am I right?" Jenna said to him. Tyler shook his head; he didn't need his meds.
"Where's Blurry? I NEED him!" Tyler screamed.
"Tyler, we've been over this; Blurry isn't real."


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