He's a butcher with a smile (Tear In My Heart Part 3)

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*The next day*

I slowly wake up to someone's breath tickling my ear. I look around me, taking in my surroundings. There's a bedside table with my glasses, two white roses, and two black wedding rings, one is a plain black band, and the other is black with a diamond in the middle. I look up at the headboard, where two flower crowns hang, and I spot a black tie on the floor, and a black blazer on the back of the bedroom door. I look down at the tattooed arms that are wrapped around my stomach, and I cannot help but smile. I try and turn around to face who the arms belong to, although I know exactly who it is.
"Hmm, not time," a voice mumbles from behind me. I finally manage to face my newly wed, Josh, and I kiss him softly on the lips. His eyes flicker open, and he slowly smiles at me.
"Hey, hubby," I whisper.
"Hey, wifey," he whispers back, kissing me. I sit up properly, and I get my glasses and wedding ring, putting them both on. I pass Josh his wedding ring, and he puts it on.
"You didn't have to do that," Josh says, sitting up as well.
"Well, I guess we should get up now; we don't want to keep people waiting, and besides, I'm hungry." I get up, and head off to the bathroom to get ready.


Once me and Josh are ready (he's wearing all black with a red SnapBack, whereas I'm wearing blue jeans, a Wonder Woman t-shirt and a black kimono with white flowers on it), we quickly make the room look a bit more presentable, and Josh jokingly puts on my flower crown that he'd given me at the end of our first dance. I put on his flower crown, and we head off downstairs. We enter the dining room with everyone congratulating us, and Josh and I's parents (and Josh's siblings), sitting around a table. When they see us, Josh's mum makes some space between her and my mum for us.
"Y/N!" Josh's sister, Ashley, says, getting up and giving me a tight hug, "welcome to the family! It'll be great to FINALLY have another writer in the family." I chuckle, and say that it'll be great to write together. Jordan (Josh's brother) hugs me next.
"Hey, it's great to have you in the fam! You'll be a great sis-in-law!"
After Abigail (Josh's other sister), and his parents welcome me to their family, my mum gets up.
"Josh, welcome to OUR family. I'm sure you'll be a great son-in-law. You know something? I haven't lost a daughter; I've gained a son. I love how you obviously love her so much, and I'll happily let her be with you!"
"EMO!" I say.
"It's true," Mum says. Josh smiles at her.
"Thank you," he says shyly, blushing.
"And now onto the fartherhood," I say, steering Josh over to my dad.
"Josh," my dad says, shaking his hand, "remember what I said to you yesterday?"
Josh nods.
"Good. Welcome to the family, son!"
We both sit down, and then Tyler (both our best friend and the best man at our wedding), comes over to our table from the other side of the room, and says to us:
"Hey, man, what did Y/N's dad say to you?"
"Well, he just told me to take care of her, and, um, he asked me what my intentions were, and how much I have in the bank," Josh whispers to Tyler, who chuckles.
"Don't worry, man. I think you'll find all dads are like that on the wedding day." He pats Josh's shoulder, and high-fives me. Just as he's about to leave, both his wife, Jenna (who looks awesome with her recently dyed pink hair), and my aunt come over to our table. Jenna speaks first:
"Welcome to The Marriage Club, you guys! I can reassure you, Y/N, that you've made a good choice by marrying Josh; his presence is better than puppies!"
"Well, you're not wrong about that!" I laugh, hugging Josh. Jenna hugs us both at the same time, and then leaves to sit with Tyler. My aunt hugs us both, then says to Josh:
"Hello, Joshy! Welcome to the madhouse! Also, make sure you treat Y/N nicely."
"I can reassure all your family that I'll treat Y/N like the queen she is," Josh says, kissing my hair. This time it's ME that goes red.
"Aw, look at her, she's gone red," my maid of honor says, "and congratulations you two; here's to the happy couple!" Everyone does a toast to us, my mum asks us where the honeymoon is.
"Well," I say, squeezing Josh's hand, "we decided when we got engaged that the wedding would be in my hometown, and that the honeymoon would be in Josh's hometown of Columbus, Ohio. However, since we're moving to Los Angeles in December, we decided to do two days in Columbus, two days in LA, and one mysterious day that Josh chose."
"How romantic," Ashley says.
"Oh, that reminds me. We've got to pack up. Sorry, everyone, but we've got to go now. Thanks for everything," Josh says, practically dragging us off to our room. We hurriedly pack up our stuff, and head off out of the hotel, and into a taxi cab.
"Could we please go to Heathrow Airport?" I ask the driver.
"Sure." He starts driving, and I look back at the hotel as it disappears behind us.


Once we've gotten through airport security and waited for our plane, we board the plane. I get the window seat, and Josh sits next to me. I send a photo to my parents of me and Josh on the plane, and then of my view. They both wish us luck, and to have fun on the honeymoon. I put my phone away as the plane takes off, and I hold onto Josh's hand.
"Here's to our new life," he says to me.
"Here's to us; the King and Queen of the Skeleton Clique," I joke. We kiss, and then I rest my head on his shoulder, thinking of what the future holds for us, the new Mr and Mrs Dun.

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