Tour De Columbus Day 1: The Basement (Tyler)

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under clothes, under skin,
underneath we're all the same,
for when you remove the tricky tricks,
only skeleton bones remain.

may we begin?

"Today's the day," Tyler Joseph says to his girlfriend, Y/N, as they're packed up in a car - along with Tyler's best friend and bandmate, Josh Dun - driving to the first venue of a 5 day tour.
"You'll do fine, Ty," Y/N reassures him. She kisses him on the cheek.
"Really, guys?" Josh chuckles,  "enough PDA already!"
"You're just jealous because nobody's stolen your heart yet. Don't worry; you'll find them one day," Y/N reassures him.
"Thanks," Josh says, smiling at her.
"We're here," the band's official tour photographer, Brad, says to the group. They all get out, and Y/N gasps at the amount of fans already waiting in line. The fans scream in happiness when they see the boys, but they don't mob them. The band and crew go down the stairs to the venue, and Jordan - Josh's brother - and Y/N walk around the venue. The crew set up the equipment, and there's sound checks done as well.
"Hello!" Tyler yells in the microphone, his voice echoing across the small venue.
"Hello from right behind you!" Y/N yells in Tyler's ear. He laughs at her, and they all retreat into the back room, resting for the night ahead.


At 8:40pm exactly, 300 people are packed inside a dark and sweaty basement. Y/N is situated at the back near the sound controls, and she can hear the strange music that isn't usually used in the recent tours. Suddenly, the crowd go wild as a very familiar song starts playing; it's called Fake You Out, and it's from the band's 3rd album, Vessel. Tyler and Josh are on stage, and the crowd instantly start jumping and singing along (they were singing so loudly that no one could even hear Tyler singing), especially to the rap, which had probably saved so many lives:

It's the same game today as it always is
I don't give these places fake my name explaining this
And the wrists of my mind have the bleeding lines
That remind me of all the times
I have committed
Dirty, dirty crimes that are perfectly form-fitted
To what I've done and what I'm doing
I'm brewing and losing and spewing infusing
And believe me that's what all the kids are doing
What kids are doing are killing themselves
They feel they have no control of their prisoner's cell
And if you're one of them then you're one of me
And you would do almost anything just to feel free
Am I right, of course I am
Convince me otherwise would take all night
Before you walk away, there's one more thing I want to say
Our brains are sick but that's okay.

After a lot of surprises on stage (the duel drumming, everyone singing that "We're broken people" during Screen, Truce being played, Tyler dancing on the piano), it was time for the final song: Trees. Everyone is softly singing alone to the opening verse:

I know
Where you stand
In the trees
And that's
Where I am
In the trees
Why won't you speak?
Where I happen to be
In the trees
Standing cowardly

There were a LOT of tears, and Y/N was one of the people crying. When it got to the drumming platforms, the boys stood on the edge of the stage whilst the crowd held the drums. Smoke came out of the cannons, blasting everyone in its path. Everyone was coughing and choking on the smoke whilst also screaming and singing along.
"We're twenty one pilots and so are you!"
Those were the words people wanted to hear; those were the words that kept people alive.

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