"In Bloom" - Neck Deep (Song Preference)

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I was such a little shit,
Cause I was always on the run.

"WHY DO YOU KEEP ON DOING THIS?" I yelled to my boyfriend, Josh.
"What the hell do you mean?" He hissed at me.
"YOU! You keep ruining everything! You're always letting anxiety run your life! You're running away from things!" I yelled at him. This isn't the first time we had a fight, and - if things don't improve - I felt like this won't be the last.
He shrunk away from me.
"You're the coward," he muttered on his way out out of the living room.

So stop calling me out,
We're never going to put the pieces back together if you won't let me get better.

"Look, I'll leave you if you don't get better!"
"That's emotional blackmail!"
"Well maybe it wouldn't have come down to this if you got your goddamn head straight!"

And stop digging it up,
Or we're never gonna see it all in bloom.

"You missed your therapy again this week."
"I forgot."
"Oh, but did you really forget? Or were you just being a chicken?"
"Look, Y/N, just stop it! You're being a bully!"
"Then why don't you just leave?"
"Maybe I will!"
"FINE! Bugger off then!"
The front door slammed shut, and I never saw him again.

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