Mini Dun - Part 2

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*9 months later*

"Josh," I say one morning as we're eating breakfast, "I think my waters just broke."
"What?" Josh says, looking shocked as he drops his spoon in the cereal bowl.
"Well, either I'm about to have our child or I just done a REALLY big pee," I state, smiling slightly as I watch Josh's face go from shock to horror to excitement and panic.
"Well, I guess this cuts the breakfast short, let's go!" He says, racing upstairs. I chuckle to myself as I hear several curse words and a lot of clattering about. Then, Josh appears downstairs with a sports bag on his shoulder.
"Let's get you to the hospital so you can have a baby!" He grins.


I don't think anyone can prepare you for how painful having a baby is. My whole body aches, I've probably broken Josh's fingers by squeezing them too hard, and I really want an epidural, but apparently it's too late for that.
"Oh, fu-" I gasp as another contraction hits me.
"C'mon, babe, you can do it!" Josh encourages me. The midwife looks over at us.
"Just one more push. I can see the head."
"AGH!" I scream, then something slips out of my body, and I hear the baby cry.
"Do you want to cut the umbilical cord?" The midwife asks Josh, who cuts the cord.
"It's a boy," the midwife says, handing him to me in a towel. Me and Josh already knew, and we chose a name.
"He's called Caleb Tyler Dun," I say to the midwife.
"That's a lovely name," she beams.


A few hours later, my mum comes in.
"Oh, he's beautiful!" She says, snatching little Caleb off Josh, who's currently cuddling him. Josh has his shirt off because one of the nurses said the baby needs human warmth (although I think she has a crush on Josh).
"Who, Caleb or Josh?" I ask, grinning at her, although I probably look like absolute hell.
"Um, hi," Josh says, looking confused.
"Aw, so that's what you called him," Mum says, holding Caleb to her chest, "what's his full name?"
"Caleb Tyler Dun," I reply.
"How come you chose the name Caleb?"
"Because when I found out I was pregnant, I was listening to Beartooth, and the lead singer of Beartooth is Caleb. And his middle name is Tyler because, well, because of Tyler Joseph," I chuckle, yawning slightly.
"You tired?" Josh says.
"Hmm," I say, closing my eyes, soon drifting off to sleep.

Josh's point of view

"Hey, um, can I have Caleb back please?" I ask my mother-in-law.
"One minute," she says, still fussing over Caleb, whose currently looking like he's about to cry.
"I think he needs feeding," I reply, waking up Y/N.
"Huh, what's wrong?" She asks, obviously confused.
"You gotta feed Caleb," I say.
"Ok, get him here," she replies. Her mom passes her Caleb, and Y/N starts to breastfeed him.
"The two most beautiful people in the word," I say, stroking Y/N's hair.
"I love you," she says.
"Who, me or the kid?" Josh chuckles.
"Aw, you guys are so cute," her mom says, taking a selfie of us together.
"Here's to the Dun family," I say, pretending to raise an empty baby bottle to make a toast.
"Here's to us," Y/N says, grinning at me, "here's to us."

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