Park Run

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"A shadow tilts its head at me, spirits in the dark are waiting. I won't let the wind, go quiet-"
"Ugh, not now, alarm," I grumble, swinging my legs out of bed. It's currently 7AM, and for some crazy reason, my fiancé, Josh, has persuaded me to do a 5k park run.
I somehow stumble downstairs and halfheartedly pour some cereal.
"Why am I doing this?" I mutter to myself.
"Because I know you can do well," Josh says. I jump, and smile as I see him standing in the kitchen doorway in his black Nike shorts, socks, and trainers. He has a vest top in his hand, and he puts it on whilst he's speaking to me.
"How do you know that?" I ask him. He runs a hand through his bright yellow hair, and walks in, getting his cereal ready.
"You'll do well because you've worked hard, and I believe in you." He pours in the milk, and I walk away into the living room before I can watch him put the cereal into the bowl.
"Ha, as if I've worked hard," I scoff, eating my cereal. Josh sits down next to me at the table.
"You have, babe. You'll do fine." He smiles at me.
"How come you're dressed already?"
"I might've done some training already," he says, blushing.
"Hey, just because not all of us are super fit and love exercise like you do, doesn't mean we get up at the crack of dawn to do the same!" I snap at him.
"Physically or mentally?" He asks.
"Am I physically or mentally super fit?"
"Mentally, of course!"
"Yeah, right!" He scoffs.


"Ok," Josh says to me just before we leave the house, "let's check to see if we've got everything. Music?"
"Running app?"
"Defiantly check!"
"Fanny pack?"
"It's called a bum bag over here, but yes. Check!"
"Let's go!"


"Tyler wishes you good luck!" Josh says, showing me his phone as we're walking to the starting line.
"Tell him thanks, but no thanks."
"Don't worry, you'll do fine."
"Again, easy for you to say!"
"It's true."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Mr Running Man! Let's go start this stupid thing!"
I start lining up (we go to the very back of the line), and Josh joins me.
"Slow and steady wins the race," I say, starting my timer. Then we're told to start running.
"See you at the finishing line, my love," Josh calls, racing ahead, leaving me to bring up the rear end. Well, someone has to, don't they?


"One...last...kilometre," I pant. My heart is racing, my legs are burning, and I'm sweating like crazy. I look up, and I spot the finishing line. Everyone's cheering me on, and in my earphones, the beat drops in Car Radio, and that's what motivates to do one crazy burst of energy as I spirit across the finishing line.
"AND NOW I JUST SIT IN SILENCE!" Tyler screams in my earphones, and that's when I bump into someone.
Then I'm falling, and I crash onto the floor. I open my eyes, and chuckle as I stare into Josh's mocha eyes.
"Oh, crap, Joshy, I'm so sorry," I apologise, getting off him. He just laughs.
"It's ok. You did great, well done." We check each other for injuries, but apart from Josh earning himself a scratched elbow, we're fine.
"Home time?" Josh asks after we get our barcodes scanned so that we can see our times that we completed the course in.
"Home time," I say, hugging him tightly, wishing I could never let go.

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