The Break Up Part 2 (Request)

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As requested by trembling-aesthetic, here is Part 2 to The Break Up. Enjoy xx

Still Josh's point of view

"So she just LEFT you?" Tyler repeats for the 100th time, running a hand through his hair. I nod. He's been saying that ever since I called him on my mobile, demanding him to come over as soon as possible.
"Yeah, she did."
"My gosh, that's messed up, man."
"Can you please stop talking about it?" I say, sighing sadly.
"Of course. Sorry, man. But in all seriousness, what are you going to do?"
"Get her back?"
"Dude, NO! She left you whilst you were having a panic attack. She said you weren't good for her! DON'T go after her; you'll get hurt. Just move on."
"Ok, man."
And that's what I do.

*2 weeks later*

"Aw, Josh, I'm glad you're trying this again."
Me too, Debby, me too." I smile at the girl in front of me. She's just as beautiful as I remember, although it feels a little strange.
"So," she says, "what's caused you to bring me down to this lovely ice cream shop?"
"Well, doesn't ice cream fix everything?" I laugh. Then Debby seems distracted, looking behind me.
"Hey, isn't that your brother?" She hisses. I turn around. Indeed it is; my bother, Jordan, has his arm linked through someone else's, and is talking to them. I know it's a girl; I can tell by the way that Jordan is smiling at them. He then goes to find a table whilst the girl pays. He then spots me, and looks shocked.
"Hey, Jordan," Debby says. He just waves awkwardly, then walks over to our table, and sits down.
"Look, maybe this isn't the best ti-" he starts, but then is interrupted by his 'date' bringing their milkshakes.
"Jordan, I got the- JOSH? DEBBY?"
"Y/N? YOU'RE DATING MY BROTHER?" I shout, shocked. She looks down.
"Look, I don't love you anymore," she says, looking me in the eyes.
"Look, bro, it's no-" Jordan starts to say, but I interrupt him.
"And yet you love MY brother?" I snap at Y/N. I then feel a sharp tug on my arm.
"Josh, we should go. People are looking at us." I just nod, then glare at Jordan and Y/N.
"Well congratulations," I say dryly, "just don't invite me to the wedding." Me and Debby walk out of the ice cream shop, and I shiver as the cold sea air hits us.
"Here," Debby says, wrapping my hoodie around my arms.
"T-thanks. How dare she?"
"I know, babe, it sucks."
"Josh, WAIT!" I hear someone yell. It's Y/N.
"SAVE IT, Y/N! I don't need to listen to your lies," I spit at her. Debby walks away in order to give us some space. Y/N shrinks back slightly, then shakes her head.
"J, it's a misunderstanding. I wasn't dating your brother. He's just my friend, I swear. I regret what I said to you; it was low of me. I've been miserable these past 2 weeks, and I reached out to your brother in order to find out if you were ok. He said you were trying again with someone else, so I got sad, and so we - me and Jordan - went out for ice cream. But just as friends. I promise."
"It's true," Jordan says from behind Y/N. "I was worried about you, Josh. You were really in a state." I look at both of them, then look over at Debby. She looks at me.
"I don't mind who you go with," she says, "but take my advice, and choose Y/N. I can see you're happier with her. You go get her, tiger."
"O-Ok," I say, slightly nervous. I look at Y/N; can I trust her after she left? I guess I can, although it won't be 100%.
"I-I'm willing to try again," she says with a smile.
"Oh, come here, you!" I cry, taking her into my arms, and kissing her.
And she kisses me right back.

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