Hospital Appointment (Tyler)

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"Ty, I'm nervous," I mumble to my boyfriend, Tyler. He pokes his head up from looking at his phone, and looks at me snuggling into his chest.
"Y/N, love, you'll be fine." He kisses my head, but I don't feel comforted.
"How do you know I'll be fine?"
"Because you're super brave, and you've got through times harder than this."
"But I haven't been there in ages," I say, sitting up properly on the sofa.
"And that just shows how better you're getting." Tyler looks at me, and gives me a small smile. He fiddles with my mood ring on my left hand, and it's oddly comforting.
"But I've got to ask my consultant if I can have another operation because I haven't had one in ages, and I'd like to see what's going on in my airway, especially after the chest infections I've had a few months ago. But I don't think I can actually bring myself to say it to him."
"Well, you've had no trouble explaining it to me just then, so when you do say it to him, just pretend you're explaining it to me." Tyler hugs me, and I cannot help but chuckle.
"But if I pretend the consultant is you, wouldn't that make me want to kiss him?"
"Oh my gosh, Y/N!" Tyler laughs, "I didn't mean it like that!"
"I know, I know!" I laugh. Then I check the time.
"Shoot! We've got to leave now!"
Instantly, we get ready, and I grab the car keys.
"Let's go!"

*Time skip brought to you by Tyler wearing a yellow football top???*

"And we've finally found a parking space!" I declare, pulling into the parking space.
"You ready?"
"Yup. As ready as that moment in Shaun Of The Dead when Shaun jumps over the garden fence, and it breaks underneath him," I say, getting out of the car.
"So, I take it you're nervous?"
"Yeah, I am. How can you tell?"
"Because you start talking really fast when you're nervous." He gets out of the car, and joins me on the pavement. We start walking through the park, and then round the corner. The hospital seems to loom over us as we get closer to it. Ambulances scream by us, and adults and kids constantly walk in and out of the doors.
"You ok? Do you wanna take a breather?" Tyler asks me, noticing my breathing has got louder.
"No, I'll be fine. J-Just tell me something happy," I say quickly.
"Ok," Tyler says softly as we walk into the hospital, getting met with the strong stench of disinfectant, "but first, please sit down. We've got plenty of time to kill." He guides me onto a chair, and crouches down in front of me. I look at him, ashamed at how worked up I'm getting worked up over one stupid appointment.
"YOU'RE SO WEAK," a deep voice says loudly in my head.
Oh no, not again. Not him.
"Y/N, you ok?" Tyler shakes me a little. I snap out of my thoughts, and smile a little.
"Yeah, I'm good. Let's get this over with." I shakily stand up, and we go to the reception desk to check in. The receptionist gives me a sympathetic look as I confidently tell her my name, home address, and who I'm here to see.
"YOU'LL NEVER WIN!" The voice in my head sneers.
"Go away," I think to myself.
I ignore the voice this time. I've got more important things to think about.
"YOU'RE SUCH A MESS!" The voice shouts at me.
"Hey, Ty," I say, "what's it-"
"Y/N Y/L/N?" The consultant calls. Me and Ty get up, and we walk into the consultant's room. Tyler sits on a chair that's left for visitors, and I sit on the chair next to the consultant's desk. The appointment is actually quite boring as he just asks me how I've been, and if I've felt like my breathing has got worse or better (I say it's stayed the same).
"Um, actually, I was, um, wondering if I could have another MLB, like, not an urgent one or anything, but, um, well, it's been over two and a half years since my last one, and especially with the summer/winter seasons just coming up, and, well, um, I'm just wondering, even if I FEEL fine, if there's anything that's changed, does that make sense? Sorry, I've just been really nervous."
"OH, PRINCESS! YOU REALLY MESSED UP THIS TIME!" The deep voice in my head shouts. I shoot Tyler a worried look, and he gives me a thumbs up. The consultant nods.
"Of course. Would you like it in a few weeks or a bit later in the year?"
"Um, in a few weeks?" I say, making it sound like a question.
"Yeah, I'm able to do it in a few weeks. I'll send the actual date in the post. Thank you, Y/N. See you soon." He shakes my hand, and he says thanks to Tyler and shakes his hand as well. As soon as we walk out of the consultant's room, Tyler embraces me.
"I'm so proud of you, Y/N. That must've been hard for you."
"Thanks, Ty. It was. Now, shall we have dinner in the canteen?"
"Of course. After you, my love."
I lead the way to the hospital canteen, and we get dinner (which is pasta sauce and spaghetti). Once we've sat down, Tyler moves his chair around to get closer to me, and he holds my hand.
"I love you. And I've always loved you. You're incredible, you really are. And I'm so proud of you."
"Thanks, Mr Joseph. You're not too bad yourself."
Tyler takes a bit of spaghetti, and he starts eating it. This is at the exact same time as I take a piece and I try not to laugh as I see it's the exact same piece of spaghetti. I can't spit it out as it'd look rude, so we continue eating it until we meet in the middle of the piece.
And then we kiss.

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