"I'm your biggest fan!" (Part 5/10)

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I run and I run, and I don't stop. I can smell the salty smell of the sea that I smelt as I opened the door, therefore I can guess that I'm at the seaside. My lips burn from Cory kissing me, and my knuckles sting as I ball my hands into fists.
It's then that I slam into someone.
"Hey, watch where- Josh? Crap, is that you? What the hell happened to your hands; did you get into a fight?"
I look up and see a guy who I vaguely recognise; he's got brown hair, and a bunch of tattoos, and he's wearing a bandana and he's got a band t-shirt and tight skinny jeans.
"Wait? Are you Caleb Shomo?" I ask the stranger. I recognise him from meeting up with him and his wife on several occasions, and they're good friends with Tyler and Jenna.
"Hey, buddy. Yeah, it's me." Caleb pulls me into a tight hug, and I accept it.
"How's you?" I ask, then frantically look around for Cory. The broad walk - I think that's what it's called - is absolutely packed, and I'm quite dizzy from the blood that I've lost.
"I think you need to sit down. Shit, man, you've got the whole fucking rock scene looking for you," Caleb laughs as he leads me over to an ice cream shop.
"I have?" I ask him.
"Uh huh. Tyler's absolutely frantic. What the hell happened, man?"
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you so," I mumble.
"Try me."


"Dude, that's some fucked up shit," Caleb gasps as I tell him the story of how I came to be in this little town in Kent.
"You're telling me," I laugh.
"So this creep's looking for you?"
"Yup. I'm screwed."
"You're telling me."
"E-excuse me. Are you Joshua Dun?" A voice interrupts us. I look up, and notice a stranger wearing a ski mask and a green t-shirt and black jeans.
What. The. Heck?
"Um, indeed I am," I reply, my heart racing.
I recognise that voice.
"Caleb, let's go," I say, getting up. Caleb gets up, and punches the ski masked guy in the face.
"HEY!" The manager yells, and we both leg it out of the cafe.
"That was him, wasn't it?" Caleb pants.
"Think so," I reply, then I'm knocked to the floor, feeling a needle get shoved into my arm, and I hear Caleb curse at the guy.
And then - just before I black out - I hear a gun go off.

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