Writing Home (Request)

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Requested by turntopaige_21 - hope you enjoy the story :)

Dear Josh,

I know you're probably busy fighting in the war and everything, but I just wanted to write you this letter to remind you that I love you. It's very quiet in the house nowadays, especially because I don't have to yell at you for playing the drums too loud.
I want you to come home, baby, but I know that you can't do that just yet. Stay safe, and come home soon.

Yours forever,

Y/N xx

Dear Y/N,

I've read your letter, and it really makes my heart hurt that you miss me. You'll be glad to hear that the General has told me that I can come home on leave in a few weeks. I'm currently writing this in my little hideaway in the army camp. It's not very big; it can only fit a small desk and chair, and I'm currently using what's left of the precocious light of the sun to see what I'm writing. Don't you worry about me; I'll be safe.

Yours forever,

Josh xxx

Dear Josh,

I've just read your letter on the train down to the seaside, and am currently writing this whilst on the beach. It's such lovely weather out here, and there's not a cloud in the sky. My friend told me I was looking like somebody had died, so I needed to get out of the house. I haven't told her about you being in the army because I don't want pity from her.
I get worried about you over there, especially because it takes a week for your letter to arrive, but I know that's because you're far away. That's great about you getting leave soon; I'll be looking forward to welcoming you home.
I've got to go now as I've got to go home. I'll post this letter on the way home.

See you soon.

Yours forever,

Y/N xxxx

Dear Josh,

I know you're very busy, but I haven't heard from you in two weeks. I keep on praying every night that you're safe. Write back to me soon, ok, baby?

Yours forever,

Y/N xxxxxx

Dear Y/N,

You probably don't know me, but my name is Tyler Joseph. I'm the general of the army that your boyfriend, Joshua Dun, is in. He's a good friend of mine as well. I'm very aware that you two have been writing to each other over the past few weeks, and I know you haven't heard from him in a while.
I'm afraid to say that Josh got caught up in an attack on our military base by the enemy, and he got shot in the ribs by a machine gun. His injuries are very bad, and we do not have the facilities to treat him here because he will need surgery, so we are bringing him home to treat him at a hospital. By the time you read this letter, he'll be in the hospital.

Yours sincerely,

Tyler Joseph

Dear Y/N,

Hey, baby. I'm writing this in my hospital bed. My ribs ache really bad, but what puts a smile on my face is knowing that you'll be visiting me this afternoon. I'm so looking forward to seeing you, and I'll give you the biggest bear hug known to man. On second thought, that's not a good idea due to my stitches. :(
Anyway, when you read this letter, you'll be here!

See you super soon.

Yours forever,

Josh xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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