The Hoodwinker Island (Part 10/15)

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Two weeks have passed since Kat had heard her voice of doom in the bathroom, but nobody knows that. Freya the cat has noticed that the blue-furred woman that Freya's human has been calling Kat has been acting rather strange and extremely distant lately. She's not sleeping in the same bed as Freya's human, opting to sleep on the sofa instead, and she hasn't given Freya or any of the other humans any attention. Freya has also noticed that Josh is leaving the cabin more often, and is also very distant.

It's late one morning that Freya notices something very wrong with Kat. She's sat very still and is staring out of the window as if waiting for something to arrive. Freya jumps up onto the sofa that Kat is sitting on, and nudges her hand with her head, meowing loudly.
"Hey, Frey," Kat says to her. Freya stops nudging Kat, and stares at her; something is very wrong. Freya must find her human right away and warn him. She jumps off the sofa in search of him. She sees her human's friend, Rob, who gives her a stroke along her back with his hand. Freya meows loudly, hoping Rob will understand her. He doesn't, which frustrates Freya because she really needs to find her human. She spots Josh sitting on the stairs, and hopes that he can help her find her human. She goes up to him, meowing softly.
"Hello, Freya," he says, smiling at her. He strokes her behind her head, and she's instantly relaxed. She's so relaxed, she forgets who she's supposed to be looking for, and ends up falling asleep.

When she wakes up, she's lying on the stairs, but Josh isn't there. She spots Kat coming down the stairs, and Freya can tell that she seems a lot happier than before.
"Hey, Frey. Everyone has gone out to look for some food, but Josh suggested that I get left here so that you'll have some company. Do you want food?"
At the word 'food', Freya perks up, and races to the kitchen with Kat, who makes her some turkey mashed up with cat treats, and puts it in Freya's food bowl. Freya gulps it down, and Kat laughs at her, before freezing. Freya stops eating, looking up and listening intently towards the front door, which smashes down at that very moment. Kat screams, and Freya rushes towards her hiding place, which is the airing cupboard under the stairs. She can hear laughter and yelling and crying as whoever knocked the door down is currently hurting Kat.
"Oh, do shut up, Princess," a man with a posh English accent replies to her. "Your precious little Rou can't save you now."
And then all Freya can hear is silence as the people leave the cabin.

"Kat? Freya? Are you guys here?"
It's Freya's human. Finally, someone who can help.
"Rou, have you seen this?" Rory asks him. Freya starts meowing loudly at them, and that's when the door is opened, and Freya leaps into Rou's arms, licking him all over his face. She sees Rory, Rob, Chris, and Debby looking at a piece of paper in Rory's hand.
"What does it say?" Debby asks anxiously.
"I-it says," Rory chokes out, "it says 'She's mine now - M.'"
"SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!" Rou yells, scaring Freya. "They've got her! Those monsters have got her!" That's when Freya jumps out of Rou's arms, shakes her body, hearing the bell on her collar ring, and then runs off into the forest. If the humans aren't going to rescue Kat, then she will.

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