You feel faint (Tyler)

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"Ty, I feel faint," I whimper to my boyfriend, Tyler. We're in Walmart, and I was looking at the DVDs that are on display, but now I'm clinging onto the shelf, and my heart is racing, my back is sweating, and my legs are shaking really badly.
"Sit down," Tyler instructs, gently holding my shoulders and guiding me down onto the floor. My head aches, and adrenaline is coursing through my body.
"I'm scared," I whimper.
"I know, but put your knees up and put your head between your legs," Tyler instruct. I stare at him, horrified.
"It's to stop you fainting; trust me, it works," he says, grinning at me. I do as he says, and then I hear him start to walk away. I try to get up, but he gently pushes me down again.
"Stay there; I'm going to get help," he says. I stay in the same position as before, and try to think of something happy in order to calm me down, and my brain comes up with how Tyler asked me to be his girlfriend.

July 2010

I had sighed as I stared up at the blank white ceiling, two different machines bleeping at once, which made my head hurt. I'd been in the hospital due to complications with my stomach for almost a month, but my stomach doctor had told me that I was getting discharged today, which should sound good, but I was honestly terrified because this isn't the first time the stomach complications had happened; it was the third time. The first time was two years ago, and the second one was just 6 weeks ago this very same year. These last two times had been cured by surgery, leaving an ugly bright red scar cutting all along the top of my stomach. The redness wouldn't fade for another two years.


Once I'd been discharged, my best friend, Tyler, came to visit me. He asked me how I'd been, and he offered my parents any help if they needed anything, which they had found very sweet of him. Then, he started to blush and stutter when he spoke to me, then he'd asked me to be his girlfriend.

"Y/N, are you ok?" I hear an unfamiliar voice ask me, shaking me out of my thoughts. I stare up at a shop worker, and smile at her, and notice Tyler looking anxiously at me.
"I'm ok," I reply, reaching out for Tyler's hand.
"You're not feeling faint, are you?" Tyler asks me.
"No, not anymore," I reply, slowly standing up.
"Let's go home. Thanks for helping us," he says, shaking the shop worker's hand.
"You're welcome."
Then Tyler wraps his arm around my shoulders, and we walk off to the car in order to go home.

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