Josh's Blurryface

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Josh's point of view

"Hey, babe. I'm just going out with my aunt for lunch, are you sure you'll be ok?" Y/N asks me. I nod, hugging her.
"Babe, I'll be fine. I've got supplies, and I know you're cautious about your phone battery, so I know it won't die when you're out. And besides, I know where you are. But trust me, don't worry." She smiles at me before walking out the door, closing it behind her. I walk back into the living room, grab a bag of Doritos, and switch on the DVD, and proceed to watch Fight Club for the hundredth time. Just as the film starts playing, I hear something crash in the kitchen. I freeze, my heart rate going up, and my mind starts making up the worst case scenarios. Stupid anxiety.
Calm down, Josh, it's probably just because you left something on the edge of the kitchen counter. I get up to investigate, even through my body has entered fight or flight mode, and is most definitely wanting to fly.
Suddenly, something flys into me, knocking me flat on my back. I feel a weight on top of me. My arms are outstretched, and someone's trainers are on my wrists, their feet pressing down on them. I yelp slightly. I notice whoever is on top of me is wearing black skinny jeans, and has a black sweatband on his right wrist. I gasp slightly as I see his left arm has an identical tattoo sleeve to mine, and I catch a brief glimpse of the yellow hair that is stuffed under a plain black beanie. The person reaches out towards me, and tilts my chin up and down with his fingers, and then stops. He leans forward, and looks at me straight in the eyes. I try not to scream, as I recognise who it is. He's got the exact facial structure as me, and his mocha eyes are framed by bright red eye make up - just like the one I used to wear on stage.
"Holy crap," I breath, as I notice that the other me is wearing a plain black vest, and is smiling at me. He loosens his weight on me, and takes his feet off my wrists. Not hesitating, I quickly shove him off me, and run into the kitchen. The other me snarls, and corners me by the kitchen sink. I start shaking, and he chuckles a deep sounding laugh.
"Oh, Joshua, you honestly think you can escape me, can't you? You think now you've got yourself a girlfriend, you can forget about your anxiety. Well, you're wrong. Nobody likes you, Joshua, and I mean nobody. Your brother doesn't like you, neither do your sisters, or your mum or dad. Y/N is only dating you out of pity, and don't even get me started on Tyler. There's a reason why you and the drum kit are shoved to the back; it's because you're not important. What's the use in having a live drummer when you can just add drums to the recordings?"
"Um, well, you're wr-"
"I know what you're going to say. You're going to say that I'm wrong, correct? Well, I'm afraid I'm not."
"Why are you here?" I ask, my voice cracking on the word here.
"Ha, look at you! You're crying already; isn't that pathetic? And I'm just here to tell you the truth of what your 'loved ones' think of you. Oh, and to do what you do to your drums."
"What's that?" I ask, instantly regretting it.
"Beat the absolute crap out of them." He grabs me, and drags me into the living room. He leads me to the CD rack, and whispers in my ear, "I heard you like music," before smashing my head against the rack. I grunt in pain, as he drops me.
"What's- what's your name?"
"Spooky Jim Christmas." He kicks me in the stomach.
"Agh! What did you do that for?" I snarl at him.
"No reason." Spooky does it again, this time a lot harder. I roll over on my side causing my back to face him.
"Well aren't you a good boy, Joshua? How did you know I wanted to do the same to your back?" I feel several sharp pains in my back. I don't cry out in pain through. Instead, I hold my phone in my hand, and desperately message Y/N:

Help me. I think I'm having an anxiety attack.

I hit send, and then drop my phone on the floor. I roll over, and get up, my body aching. I glare at Spooky, who looks pleased with himself. I shove him hard. He retaliates, punching me square the jaw. I ram myself into his stomach, knocking him down. I land on top of him, and we scuffle on the floor. We punch and hit each other, and I end up with several scratches on my face. My breathing is heavy, and my vision blurs slightly.
"What's wrong, Joshua? Am I too strong for you?" Spooky taunts me. He suddenly overpowers me, and his hands wrap around my throat as he delivers his next threat: "Oh, just wait until I get my hands on Y/N! Now that is what I'm looking forward to. I wonder how long it'll take to break her?"
"Don't you dare touch her, you jerk!" I spit, and instantly feel his grip tighten around my throat.
"Careful, Joshua. If you-". His head snaps up towards the hallway, and smiles at me.
"Tut, tut. It looks like I've got to go. Sounds like someone's coming in. Just remember, Joshua, that you're not safe. I'll always be here." And just like that, he disappears. I gasp for air as I hear the key in the door turn. I gather my battered and bruised body into a ball, and sob, desperately scratching at my arms in order to gain some control over myself.
"Josh, oh my God, babe, are you ok?" I hear Y/N say. Through the pools of tears, I can see that she's kneeling next to me.
"Shhh, it's ok. Don't do that to yourself, love, it'll hurt." I feel her remove my hands from my arms, and she whips my tears from my eyes. I copy her deep breaths, and somehow manage to calm down.
"Your head is bleeding," Y/N states. I put my hand up to my head, and notice it comes away sticky with blood.
"Dang it," I mutter. Y/N gets up, and - after getting some bandages - treats my head wound carefully. I wince at the stinging as she cleans it and applies the bandage.
"Sorry, J," Y/N apologies.
"I-I think my back and stomach are bruised," I say quietly, taking off my t-shirt so that she can see. I gasp at my stomach - it's covered in bruises.
"Turn around." I turn my back so she can see it, and I can tell it must be bad as I hear her sob softly.
"Hey, don't cry. It's my fault. I think I just got so worked up that I kinda banged into everything," I say with a slight chuckle. She smiles at me, and gives me a hug. I hug back, and smile back.
"Wanna watch Fight Club?"
"You betcha!" She grins, cuddling into me as I relax, getting myself lost into the movie, stroking her hair absentmindedly, soon drifting off to sleep.

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