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Happy 29th birthday to Joshua William Dun! Yes, it's the living, breathing highlighter's birthday today. Here are the things I love about him:
1. He's an inspiration to me. Bit dramatic, I know, but it's true. Having anxiety must suck loads, but the fact that Josh (or Joshy as I call him) has gone out every night and playing his heart out to thousands of people is an amazingly brave thing to do. Also, he recently stated in an interview that he's absolutely petrified of sharks, but he also swam with sharks when he was in Australia, which is awesome.
2. He's very talented. He says he's a self-taught drummer, and - honestly - that doesn't show when he's playing because he's very talented, and I'm glad that he gets to show that off during the latest twenty one pilots tour (the drum line after Tear In My Heart, the drum solo at the end of Lane Boy, and - my personal favourite - the drum battle between him and his other self).
3. His mind-blowing tattoos. They're all so detailed, especially his nature tattoo sleeve on his right arm. I love the small tattoo behind his ear, and I love the tattoo Tyler tattooed on him. I also love the sneaky way he's slowly getting another sleeve on his left arm of things he loves (so far it's the word 'Mom' in a heart, his home state with an X where his hometown is, and a drum set), which are connected by stars. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product.
4. His piercings. I love his ear piercings (and yes, he does have stretched ears, but it's not really that noticeable), and his nose ring (which I didn't even notice until last summer when I saw twenty one pilots on a magazine cover).
5. I love his hair, and although when I saw twenty one pilots, he had faded pink hair then, and then dyed it yellow around a month later. I love how each hair colour suits him. (Plus, it glows in the dark - how cool is that?)
6. I love his eyes. They're a beautiful colour (some people would say he has brown eyes, but I think he had mocha eyes).
7. I love his sense of style, and how - no matter the outfit - he always wears a SnapBack with it.
8. I love his voice. It's very nice and I guess it's husky??? I'm not sure haha, but I love it when he's talking in interviews because he's shy, so he used to let Tyler do the talking, but he's now starting to talk more in interviews, like, yes, go Josh!
9. This links into my last point, but I've put it as a separate point because it's a very important moment that I love. At the American Music Awards last year, twenty one pilots won two awards (first one for Favourite Pop/Rock Duo Or Group, and the other one for Alternate Artist), but in the first acceptance speech, Tyler did must of the talking, and right at the end - as they were leaving the stage - Josh quickly said to the crowd, "See you at a show!". However, during the second acceptance speech, Josh spoke into a microphone, and he said, "Tyler said if we ever wine another award that I'd have to speak more onstage. I chose the drums so that I'd never have to speak in a microphone in front of people, but here we are now, and I'm so nervous, I think I might throw up." Tyler took over, whilst saying to Josh, "It's ok, Josh. Um, good work, good job." This just shows how - even through Josh felt very nervous - he still spoke in front of strangers in a microphone (this was back in late November).
10. Him. I just love him a lot, personality and looks wise. I hope he has great day; he really deserves it. :)

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