The Hoodwinker Island (Part 9/15)

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"Well, well, well, isn't this a little match made in heaven?" Mitchell says, gripping the silver dagger in his hand, walking towards them. Josh and Kat stumble back, trying to not trip over the thick forest floor.
"Kat, get behind me," Josh says, keeping his eyes on Mitchell whilst also protecting Kat with his body. Kat stops walking backwards, and Josh bumps into her.
"No," Kat says, moving out of Josh's shadow, and glaring at Mitchell, who looks a little confused at Kat's refusal to be protected.
"Why did you just leave yourself unprotected, Princess?" Mitchell asks her, making a step towards her, the dagger pointing at her heart. Josh inches towards the gap between Kat and Mitchell.
"Because," Kat says, gripping hard onto a sharp rock in her hand that she picked up when Josh had turned around to see Mitchell, "I don't need to be protected by anyone like a damsel in distress."
"But you are a damsel in distress. All you've done is get saved by guys," Mitchell argues back, although he glances at Josh, who's looking a little surprised at the calm confrontation between them.
"Not anymore; I don't belong to you." And with that, she rips the identification bracelet from her wrist, throws it onto the ground, and stamps hard on it.
"Oh, Princess," Mitchell says softly, "you shouldn't have done that."
Before Kat or Josh can do anything, Mitchell slashes his dagger across Kat's cheek. She's shoved to the floor by Josh, who lunges at Mitchell.
"ROU, no!" Kat yells, getting up, wiping the blood that's steadily flowing down her cheek. Josh stops fighting Mitchell, who throws him down to the ground.
"Don't you see, Josh?" He asks Josh, who gets up to comfort Kat. "She's already chosen who she loves."
Kat gasps a little as it hits her who's name she yelled out and why she yelled it out.
She loves Rou.
"Josh, it's-" she starts to explain, but Mitchell interrupts her.
"Your ring says different, my dear." He points to her wedding finger, which has a silver engagement ring with a black diamond on it, along with a plain silver wedding band. Kat frowns, looking at the wedding band on her finger; she can't remember why it's there. To her horror, the identification bracelet also returned.
"How could you?" Josh says coldly as Mitchell disappears into the shadowy woods. The last thing Kat remembers before she faints is the sound of shouting from the others, and a flash of white as Freya runs through the undergrowth towards them.

Kat wakes up in bed in Rou's room, but he's not there. Freya is there through, although she is curled up asleep. Kat touches her cheek, only to feel medical tape covering it. She gets up out of bed, and heads off to the bathroom, ignoring the sounds of everyone downstairs. Once she's in the bathroom, Kat looks at herself in the mirror. She notices the cut has indeed been covered in white strips of medical tape.
"What the hell is wrong with me?" Kat whispers to herself, thinking back to yelling Rou's name in the forest instead of Josh's name.
"Maybe your true nature is showing," a voice from behind her says. Kat turns around, but doesn't see anyone, but she recognises the voice.
It's her own voice answering her back.
It's quite husky, although it goes higher in place when it gets excited about talking about something she loves.
"Who are you?" Kat says to the voice.
"I'm you, you silly girl. And I wouldn't get too comfortable around here."
"Why not?"
"Because they're coming."
"Who's coming?"
"The Shikari. They're coming to get the lovely people in this cabin."
"Shikari? What's the shikari?"
"It means Hunter, Princess. The hunters are coming, and they're coming to get you."

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