PART 1, Chapter One: I Promise

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*Author Note*

Heyy :)

So, I hope you're doin fine!

Well, I got time to update! :D

But I hope it will be enough for you, because I'm grounded of internet during 2 days :(


So, please:




And I hope you enjoy the first chapter of this remake! :)



Rose P.O.V.

My name is Celia-Rose Cooper. Or it used to be. My name changes all the time, but otherwise, call me just Rose. I'm 17. And why am I saying my name changes all the time? That's because I'm an assassin. 

Yes, I kill people. But not any type of people. Only the ones I'm assigned to kill. Bad people who make the world a horrible place full of fear and injustice.

I would never kill innocents. Because that's what I used to be: innocent.

That's not the type of life I've imagined, to be honest. Believe it or not, there used to be a time where I was a little girl like the others: innocent, cheerful and curious. But my life would take an unexpected turn and a tragic event would change who I am forever.

And it's with a heavy heart and tears in my eyes that I'm gonna tell you my story. Back to when everything changed, in April 2007.

Back when I was an innocent kid who doubted nothing of what will happen to her.

This is my story. And it won't be rainbows and butterflies.


April 2007


Young Celia-Rose Cooper P.O.V

I was 9 years old. Soon going to 10.

I got out school after the bell rang. I went to the tree in front of the gate to wait for my sister Daisy to pick me up. Daisy is my older sister. She is 19 years old. She is always talking, talking, talking. About everything: boys, stars, makeup, clothes, etc. She was also vaining herself, something I was finding really annoying, but even if we are constantly fighting, she's still my sister and I love her.

"Hey, sis", she smoked on her cigarette.

"Hey, Daisy! Wasn't Mommy supposed to pick me up, today?", I asked.

"No, not today, here I am!", she blew smoked air out, as I coughed, waving the smoke away from my face.

"What are you waiting for, I won't stay here all day long!", she said, throwing her cigarette on the ground, and trampling the tip of her foot on it, to extinguish it.

"Me neither! School sucks!", I said, entering her car.

"I went this path too, sis. Without elemantary, I wouldn't have go to high school, and I wouldn't be registred to Harvard!", she said while entering the driver side.

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