Jeon Jungkook

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 'mom, are you alright? ' whispered the ten years old jungkook standing outside his parent's room. 

It was 3pm and he had not expected anyone but him to be home. His mom informed them she had some meeting with her neighborhood housewives regarding some charity event they will hold, so when he walked by her room and heard her shallow breathing he got worried. He was about to open the door and call up to her louder when a male voice coming from inside the room startled him.

A voice that was certainly not his father's. Besides, his father left the same morning for a two days business trip. He cracked the door ajar just enough to sneak a look inside confirming his suspicion that the man intimately in the bed with his mom was the young butler.

Starting that day, jungkook was noticing small things that he usually ignored. All small things that made his mother's affair obvious. He didn't feel sad or betrayed. He was never under the illusion of his family being perfect. He was also certain his father probably is doing the same thing as his mom. The only thing that annoyed him was the smug look on the butler's face each time he looked at jungkook making blood boil in his veins.

At moments he wanted to stand in front of his parents and scream how he knows all about their affairs just to catch them off guard and prove to them he wasn't stupid like they thought he was. But then he decided it was too much trouble and he didn't feel like dealing with the drama that'll come with it. 

As years went by, things were still the same, and as jungkook grew up into his teen years he couldn't maintain his cool towards his mother's affair especially with her lover being all cocky around him even giving him orders at times. Jungkook was aware of the fact that anger can fuel your adrelanin making you feel stronger and braver. But for him, he felt his body get lighter and his skin would get tingly. It was like his body was getting charged. He tried to ignore it at first and calm himself each time thinking it was adrelanin. But when he noticed lights flickering in the room whenever he felt that way he started wondering if he was causing it. At first, it was amusing to mess with people that annoyed him. Especially the butler who ended up being his experiment subject. Cracking classes, making his hair stand up, little electric shocks whenever he touched the coffee machine.

Being a fan of marvel superheroes, he didn't have a hard time believing he had superpowers and started to wonder if there was more people out there like him. 

The answer came positively to him in a footage on YouTube. The footage was said to be an evidence against a serial killer. It showed two men standing facing eachothers. The victim appeared to be talking to the killer who was feets away from him before suddenly clutching his chest in severe pain and falling to his knees raising an arm to the men who just stood there smiling at him. The man seemed to have been freed from the pain when he suddenly blew up. Jungkook jumped away startled as the whole area where the victim was standing is now covered in blood and human parts. The killer though calmly wiped his face before walking closer to the camera, looked up at it making his face recognizable then waved at it childly and walked away.

Curiosily, jungkook looked up more informations about the man. He found out the police easily identified the murderer seeing how he was already registered in the system for being in a juvenile detention center for a charge of violence. The articles stated he showed no intentions of fleeing when police arrested him, it says he actually seemed to be waiting for them. The detectives didn't need to work hard to get him to admit his crimes, he voluntarily gave intensive details about them. The only thing he didn't answer nor clarify was his motif and why he started his murders only two months after he got out of the juvenile. The second thing they couldn't make sense out of it is how he managed to make them blow up with no hint of explosives. When asked about it, he would calmly claim to have superpowers. 

They didn't believe him. They thought he was only pretending to be mentally unbalanced to have a low sentence. The judge ended up giving him a life in solitary prison sentence with no right of visits.

No one believed his claims of superpowers, but jungkook was fascinated by it. He got obsessed with him, looking every detail he managed to get about him but was bumped down by the fact the guy was in jail and he'll never be able to meet him in person.

So when the strange man approached him offering him to become a superhero, saying there was many more people with powers like him jungkook agreed not thinking much into it. And certainly not expecting while exploring the facility to find himself face to face with none other than the man he idolized for the past three years. He walked straight to jungkook smiling the same childish smile he used to only stare at through his computer screen, he raised a hand for jungkook to shake and introduced himself brightly. 

'hello!!! You're new here! I'm Kim Taehyung, your new best friend! '

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