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Everyone went back to silence as they watched Yoongi walk after Jimin promising to take care of it. Namjoon watched as Hoseok eyed Yoongi hurry out and let out a deep breath.

'How about you? Are you going to join us?' Namjoon asked BamBam and Woozi. BamBam's thoughtful expression didn't change contrary to Woozi who looked taken back watching from BamBam to Namjoon.

'BamBam?' The guy looked up.

'I don't plan to stay hidden from them, nor do I want to help normal people just to stay safe. I'm not a coward' he stood up.

'Guess this means this is where we part ways' Namjoon said.

'Yes, thank you for everything' he said before walking out of the room. Woozi stood up after him.

'Guys, I'm sorry but I can't leave him alone. I hope you understand' Woozi said his goodbyes before hurrying after his friend. As he walked out, Yoongi walked in followed by a lowered head Jimin.

'So it's just us again' Yoongi commented looking at everyone's faces.

Sitting around in silence for a few seconds was more than just a wasted time. It was a moment to accept the fact they were going to face the public with their abnormal abilities. A moment to get themselves ready for the weird, disgusted and petty looks they'll be getting from various strangers, or even people with whom they interacted with but never gotten the courage to come out to.

'Sooo..?' Jungkook trailed off.

'I'm going to ask you all again if you're really up to doing this' Namjoon asked carefully watching everyone's reaction, not allowing himself to read into their minds.

They all nodded then Namjoon stood up clapping his hands.

'All right then!! Time to head back to the headquarters!' He cheerfully let out only to be faced with the others confused faces.

'What headquarters?' Hoseok asked

'Do you mean the cottage? That's so freaking far away, how are we to help anyone from there?' Yoongi said.

'I know, that's why me and Jin thought of a better place, a place in the middle of the city and with high security and it belongs to one of us'

'Your lab?' Yoongi suggested looking at Jin but got a head shake.

'No, your apartment' Jin replied smiling at him.

'Oh hell no! You have any idea how much I had to save up to buy it? And to actually find an empty full floor apartment in that neighborhood is almost impossible!'

'Think about it yoongs' Namjoon started talking receiving weird looks due to the nickname. 'We can't afford getting a new place now, and none of us actually have his own place apart from Jin but you said it yourself, we can't use the cottage'

The previous serious atmosphere was all gone once Namjoon, Jin and yoongi started bickering. The rest watched in confusion at first then in amusement as the situation was looking less severe and more like when they just met.


To say the apartment was cool is an understatement. It was huge! Yoongi has put all the money he received from his sister's life insurance and the house insurance into buying this place. He had installed the best fire system he could find and cameras everywhere just to make sure he wouldn't go out of control.

As soon as the gang entered the place they dispersed ignoring yoongi's constant reminder to not touch anything.

He stood in the doorway sighing before he heard Taehyung's voice coming from his bedroom calling everyone to come and check something. He hurried there, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

The waterbed.

Indeed, taehyung was bouncing on it and everyone was there giving yoongi suggestive looks as soon as he entered.

'It's not what you think' he started saying before adding in a lower voice 'it's the only thing I could think of that wouldn't catch on fire in my sleep'

'Oh man you even got a water sprinkler right up your head' taehyung pointed to the ceiling totally oblivious to how uncomfortable Yoongi was.

'Alright guys, let's gather in the living room in five minutes, we still have some stuff to decide together.' Namjoon told them and walked out himself. He needed those five minutes of alone time for a quick visit to the restroom.


A.N: yes I know I suck at updating regularly ;-;

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