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Hoseok soon woke up, realizing the car had stopped moving and he was the only one inside of it.
He stretched and stepped out watching as the flickering light of a gaz station shone above the parking lot the car was in.
He relaxed more as he saw SeokJin and Woozi standing nearby chatting while Yoongi walked away smoking a cigarette. Namjoon soon came out of the small shop with a large grocery bag in his arm.
'slept well? ' Namjoon said throwing him a can of warm coffee before leaning against the van and taking out one for himself.
Hoseok didn't answer and kept silently staring at Namjoon, waiting for him to initiate a conversation about the ability he showed in the van earlier.
'don't give me that look' Namjoon said no looking at Hoseok.
'what look? '
'that look. The one that says I need to explain myself' Namjoon pointed at his face before taking a sip of his drink.
'don't you think you have to? You don't think I deserve to know when you develop a new ability? ' Namjoon could tell Hoseok was irritated, the two never had any secrets from one another, Hoseok obviously couldn't have any secrets of his own with his brain open for Namjoon whenever he pleased to exploit it, so he felt unfair to not being able to know all his friend's thoughts too.

'I didn't want to freak you out. It's scary enough to have someone around you who can tell what you're thinking all the time' Namjoon mumbled looking away, not wanting to face Hoseok and see the disappointment in his face. He didn't even want to know what the guy was thine about him at the moment.
'I swear I'm going to slap you so hard you'd only be hearing ringing in your ear for a week. I've known you for years, I'm used to you being in my brain. I don't mind. You're my best friend, I don't want to be hiding anything from you and I don't want you to feel like you have to hide anything from me, especially things like that. I mean dude that was so freaking cool!! ' Hoseok cheerfully jumped over Namjoon making him slip some of his coffee on his shirt and shrieks as the hot liquid touches his skin.
They joked around for a minute before Hoseok had to go to the restroom where he saw Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin step out of it talking in hushed voices. They stopped talking as they walked by Hoseok, nodded at him then walked back to the Van.
As Hoseok walked out of the cubicle to wash his hands, he was surprised to see Yoongi standing by the counter just watching him. Unsure how to react, he nodded and stood beside him to wash his hand.
'what are you planning to do? ' Yoongi said in his low voice.
'umm, wash my hands? ' Hoseok answered confused and Yoongi turned back to look at him through the reflection in the mirror.
'I meant regarding the program you genius. If you hadn't notice, everyone is deciding what to do. And since you're a human you can just leave' Yoongi let out making Hoseok stand up straight bracing himself, knowing the older was going to say something unpleasant again.
'don't get all defensive, I meant it as a compliment ' he faced Hoseok sideways while the other still only glared at him through the mirror.
'do you have any idea how lucky you are to be normal? Haven't you heard what that kid say? If having powers was so cool then why most of us would sacrifice anything to give it up and just be normal? ' Hoseok's glare faltered as he watched Yoongi's face staring back at him through the mirror. 'not everyone was blessed with a peaceful ability like your mind reader friend' Yoongi added making Hoseok's eye widen.
'he didn't seriously think no one would notice, right?' he finally smiled gently while looking Hoseok in the eyes through the reflection. 'listen Hoseok, I know I'm not exactly what you want me to be but I'm telling you this because I don't want you to get hurt. Walk away. You don't belong with us. You're better, you're normal. If you stayed you'll only be reminding everyone of the life they lost.'
They stared at each other for few seconds before Yoongi turned to walk out of the bathroom but soon stopped as Hoseok spoke loudly.
'no, I'm not leaving ' Yoongi looked back at him quizzically. 'I don't care if you don't believe me, but I'm not normal. You need me. If I left, you might all die. I need to stay with you so that you'd be safe'
'Hoseok I told you, you're just a h.. '
'I don't care!!' Hoseok cut him off loudly looking back at him 'even if you don't believe me, I know what I am. you're my friends, I can't just let you get hurt'
Yoongi grunted and walked back to Hoseok to stop only less than a step away from his face making Hoseok's eye widen at the close distance between them.
'I'm not your friend, do you understand? If you wanna die then fine! But you stay away from me or I'm gonna burn you alive'
The restroom's door opened suddenly and Taehyung stood there taken back by the closeness of the two guys.
'am I interrupting something? ' he asked nonchalantly watching Yoongi step away from Hoseok as if just now realizing how close he was to the other male.
'n... no, we were just talking ' Hoseok was worried Taehyung would show the same aggressiveness he showed Jimin at the cottage, but surprisingly, he just nodded and told them SeokJin was asking everyone to get in the car.
Yoongi left first and Hoseok lingered behind and stopped when he reached Taehyung.
'are you alright? ' he asked him.
'I'm perfect' Taehyung answered casually.

As the two walked back to the car, Hoseok noticed how Normal Taehyung was behaving, as normal as he was before the night they spent together. Looking up to the car, even Namjoon and SeokJin seemed uninterested in one another. Like if those people had drunk a love potion and it's effect had worn off.
Sitting in the back seat with Jimin and woozi, Hoseok couldn't help wonder what could have possibly happened to cause such thing.

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