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The first thing Jungkook notices when he opens his eyes is the feeling of dizziness. He closes his eyes trying to get rid of it and remember what had happened to him.

All he could remember is the fog around him as he fell to the ground and a jolt of electricity seeping through his body. After that, what happened was like watching a movie, as if he was another person moving in his body and talking in his voice as his consciousness has no control over his actions.

He finally looks around him and sees Namjoon laid down on the couch as Yoongi curled up in the bed with Taehyung beside him placing his feet on his waist.

He tried to call out to them but realized his mouth was still taped from when Namjoon was interrogating him which he didn't blame the guy for, he was wishing for someone to do it for him ever since he realized he had no control over what he says.

He was thinking of a way to get one of them to wake up and untie him when the temperature of the room started rising.

Jungkook notices Yoongi's head uncomfortably turning in his sleep and his breathing getting heavy. Annoyed by Yoongi's movement, Taehyung stands up and walks out of the room mumbling about burning alive with his eyes closed.

Jungkook tried to get his attention but Taehyung didn't even glance his way. Jungkook's worry grew as he saw small flames starting to form around Yoongi and catching into the mattress. He frantically lifted the chair up and down getting closer to Namjoon while making noises through the tape. Luckily Namjoon woke up disturbed both by the noise and the heat.

Namjoon's eyes widened as he noticed the fire starting around Yoongi.

'Hollyshit! ' he frantically looked around trying to find something to put down the fire with when he noticed the horrified look in Jungkook's eyes.

'you're back to your senses?!' Jungkook nodded and Namjoon untied him in a hurry before moving to the closet besides the room's entrance. He took out a fire distinguisher and aimed it to Yoongi.

Without a warning he let the foams cover Yoongi's body as Jungkook called out for him to wake up.

Namjoon kept the foams going until he could see two hands struggling to get out from under the white thick layer he made.

'stop!! Are you nuts?!' Yoongi yelled glaring at the horrified Namjoon who was still aiming the fire distinguisher at him.

'dude, are you OK? Both of you' Namjoon added as he looked from Yoongi to Jungkook.

'you guys woke up? ' Jimin and Hoseok walked in not expecting the view in front of them.

Jungkook standing behind a shirtless bed headed Namjoon as this one held a fire distinguisher while Yoongi still sitting on the bed all soaked up and half his body under a white layer of foam.

''what were you doing? ' Hoseok asked not getting any reply.


'so what are you planning now? ' BamBam asks as everyone sat in the room after they washed up and got rid of the foam.

SeokJin looked around him to the others before exchanging a knowing look with Namjoon who knew what SeokJin wanted him to do.

'this is something me and Jin had discussed for a while now. It was kind of a plan in case things didn't go as smooth as we hoped at the cottage. The organization is obviously not something we can face alone. We can't just find their headquarters and attack them especially now that we know how big of a power they have, and we all saw the amount of politicians and celebrities at the party. All those people and more wants to get rid of us. We stand no chance against them the way we are right now'

'so you're giving up? See! I told you they're nothing but cowards' BamBam look at Woozi who stared at Namjoon dissapointed.

'the plan we thought of is not for us to defeat them, at this point there's no way for us to do that,  but it'll sure make them unable to hurt us too.'

'what is it? ' Woozi asks earning a glare from BamBam 'what? It doesn't hurt to know, besides, we're on the same ship here. If seven people can't do anything what possibly can just the two of us do? We don't even have any combat powers' BamBam looks away refusing to agree to Woozi's words.

'well, to put it simply, we become superheroes.'

Everyone but SeokJin looked at him confused.

'does that mean we can finally use the nicknames we made? ' Taehyung asked with a blank expression breaking the silence.

'yes, I don't see why not'

'I'm in!! ' he cheerfully says raising his hand.

'but, isn't that dangerous? Coming out to the whole world? What if they lock us away? Even if not, We'll be treated like freaks, have you not seen X-men? They save the world and still are discriminated against. No,  I... I can't do it. I'm sorry guys I can't. ' everyone looked at the now terrified Jimin.

'so you're ok with living in the darkness your whole life? If you were fine with it, why did you join in the first place? Do you wanna be a superhero, you were asked this too, weren't you? ' Namjoon pressed on.

'yes I'm fine with it! The darkness is the only place I really feel alive. I didn't join to show what I can do to the world, all I wanted is to understand more about my ability. And I guess I needed to confirm there are more people like me in the world. Don't get me wrong guys, I'm glad I met all of you but I can't do it. I'm sorry' and with that, he stands up and silently walks out of the room.

Jimin stands in the hallway outside the hotel room, taking a deep breath, letting the fact that he just walked out from the team sink in, trying to prepare himself for his life getting back to the way it was before meeting them. A life without noise.

He hears the door to the room open and he sees Yoongi walks to him.

'what are you doing? '

'if you're not doing it, neither am I' Yoongi says nonchalantly and Jimin stares at him unable to believe what he heard.

'you're... What? You can't be serious. Why? '

'what do you mean why? It's my choice'

'but they need you Yoongi. Me leaving won't affect them, but if you left that's a huge disadvantages for the team' Jimin followed him as Yoongi walked towards the stairs trying to convince him against leaving.

'you're my team. Remember when it was just the two of us? Neither of us wanted to have anything to do with anyone, all we wanted was to figure out how to control our powers so we can lead normal lives without attracting any attention. You didn't change your mind, so what makes you think I did?'

Jimin hesitated before answering 'well.... I thought... Since now you and Hoseok... '

'me and who? What? ' Yoongi was taken back, not expecting Jimin to bring up Hoseok. He didn't think anyone else figured out Hoseok's powers.

'it's just the two of you seem to have gotten a lot closer, so I thought you'd want to stay with him. And you leaving will really affect him. He'll get really upset and that might cause his luck to stop or something. Besides, your powers will be needed.'

'what about you leaving, think it won't affect anyone? ' Yoongi stepped closer to Jimin trying to intimidate him.

'no it won't. I haven't been close to anyone this whole time. I'm not useful I'm only one more dead weight, me leaving will actually help more than when I'm here' Jimin explained with a pained expression.

'you're not a dead weight, you're one of the team. If it wasn't for you we wouldn't have been able to escape when you teleported us to your house. We wouldn't have been able to blend in the party without the suits you got us. We wouldn't have been able to get Jungkook back. Woozi wasn't even going back for you, so if not for your power you could've gotten caught. It was you who noticed Tae and Hoseok disappearing and it was you who came looking for us when we were in the hospital. You're always the first to notice when things go wrong. To me, you're the only person I fully trust right now. You're not a dead weight Jimin and I'm not staying without you. So the decision you make is for the both of us, Park Jimin, do you want to be a hero? '

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