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As the tingly feeling grew stronger by the hour, one thought repeated itself in Hoseok's mind like a mantra.

Namjoon will find him.

It was repeated over and over. His body and mind grew numb, he lost track of time and space. His mind was no longer able to remember when was the last thing his eyes have seen, his body had felt. No matter what he was trying to think about, it felt like a long lost memory he couldn't pinpoint. 

The mantra soon lost it's effect and meaning as he wasn't able to remember who Namjoon is and why he needed to be saved, for the darkness he was in is all his mind knows and had no awareness of otherwise.


Namjoon and Jungkook panicked as they looked around the crowded area and couldn't see the others.

'Woozi where are we?!!' Namjoon screamed at the boy who seemed as confused as them.

'I....I don't know. I've never been here before, I'm not even able to teleport to places I've never visited. I was going to the parking lot of Central's Hospital where the others are!' Woozi freaked out as more people stared at them.

'Let's figure it out somewhere private' Yoongi said as he saw a couple of girls head towards a security guard while taking glances at them. 

They hurried out of the shopping center to a large parking lot, they kept walking fast until they reached an empty park on the other side of the center. Namjoon seated Hoseok on a bench before taking a look around.

'You have to be fucking kidding me' he cursed as the place they were in grew familiar. 'We're home' 

The others looked at him confused as he sat besides Hoseok and checked his temperature confirming he was still freezing cold. 

'This is where me and Hoseok go to university only till few weeks ago' 

'Why are we here?! How far is it from the others?' Woozi asked still freaking out.

'Relax, we're only few minutes away from Central Hospital. But since we're here, we might as well take him to rest in the campus' Namjoon said putting Hoseok on his back.

'Shouldn't we take him to the hospital first?' Jimin says worried.

'I have to agree with Namjoon, the campus might be better than a hospital. We have no IDs to register him into a hospital, and even if we did, whoever is after us will lose no time in finding us that way.' Yoongi said calmly looking around checking if anyone followed them from the shopping center. Everyone agreed to go to the campus first then Woozi would go bring the others.


The campus was so crowded just as Namjoon remembers it. It all felt surreal, even though it has only been few weeks since he was there, seeing all those young adults walk around laughing and discussing trivial things with no awareness of the other side the world is hiding made him feel out of place. 

'Joonie!!' A strong female voice came from the side and Namjoon was the first to stop as he recognized his nickname. A Hispanic girl with purple short hair, a tight leather short, and jean jacket over nothing but a bra approached then smiling brightly. She seemed to be about to make a joke about Namjoon holding Hoseok on his back when she realized the boy looked sick.

'What happened to JHope?' She reached to touch his forehead before jumping away as his skin was almost as freezing as an ice cube. 'Dude he's freezing!!' 

'Sorry Bree, I need to get him somewhere to rest' 

'That place better not be your own dorm room' She said as they started to walk away from her. Bree followed getting a key out of her pocket and handing it to Namjoon.

'Go to my apartment. Believe me, your dorm is the last place you need to show your face in.' Upon hearing that, Yoongi started getting conscious about their surrounding looking around expecting someone to jump on them. 

Bree promised to follow them after taking care of something urgent. Namjoon thanked her and changed his direction as the others blindly followed him.

'We can trust her?' Yoongi asked suspiciously once they were out of the campus and heading towards a complex building.

'Yes, she's Hoseok's ex' Namjoon said nonchalantly going up the stairs.

'I thought he was....' Yoongi looked at Namjoon confused

'He is' Namjoon didn't offer other explanations as he handed Yoongi the keys upon stopping in front of an apartment door.

'Can....can I use the bathroom?' Jimin mumbled shyly as everyone stepped inside the small apartment. Namjoon pointed him to the restroom before placing Hoseok on the couch and hurrying to grab all the covers he could find in the bedroom. 

'I'll go get the other then' woozi let them know before vanishing. 

the two sat in silence,  namjoon tending to hoseok trying to get him warm while yoongi taking the chance to look around the apartment before glancing from the window to the lively campus. 

'I've never been to college, it looks fun' Jimin breaks the silence as he stood behind Yoongi and took a glance at the view. He smiled at Namjoon who just shook his head remembering all the sleepless night where he and Hoseok had to pull allnighters in order to prepare for exams or work on late papers. 

'You're not missing much' 

'Do you miss your friends here?maybe you should go see them while you're here' jImin suggested smiling cheerfully excited to be in a place full of normal people after so much time. 

'Are you a retard? ' he flinched at the tone of Namjoon's voice and the glare he gave him making Yoongi step away from the window and stand in front of him blocking him from Namjoon. 

'Watch your mouth spoon bender' Namjoon rolled his eyes and ignored him. 'Why d' we have to trust your friend and stay here anyway? We should be staying away from people' yoongi added .

'Because we need to find out what's wrong with Hoseok first' 

'Says who? Why should we change our plan just because your four leaf flower caught a cold?' Yoongi was getting annoyed, he hated to go around without a preset plan and can't tolerate crowded places. 

'Then go! I'm not holding you, am I?' Namjoon snapped at him before laying another blanket on Hoseok who seemed to be getting bluer. 

Yoongi walked to where Jimin went to the bathroom and came back in less than a minute. He pushed Namjoon aside and held Hoseok up in his arm straggling with his weight. Namjoon tried to stop him but he only glared at Jim and told him to shut up. 

Yoongi placed Hoseok in the bathtub that was filled halfway. He then held tightly onto his arm. His skin started getting redder while the water around Hoseok started vaporizing. Namjoon stepped beside him and soon was hit with the wave of heat coming from both bodies. 

He realized Yoongi was channelling his body heat to Hoseok effectively warming him up.

A.N: hey guys, thank you so much for reading my story and making it reach 1k
So as a thank you I'm planning to do a Q&A,  so if you have any questions directed to the story's characters leave them in a comment.
Thank you again and I welcome any remarks or criticism! So don't be shy.

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