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The evening was coming to an end. Today has been as uneventful as any previous day. Servants were doing their best cleaning the rooms that had been unoccupied for more than a year.

The only occupant of the house has stopped sleeping in his room, spending the whole day in the greenhouse staring at nothingness and vanishing during the night.

Even though she got that job for only a year at that time, it was apparent to her Jimin's behavior wasn't always like that. Her thoughts were confirmed when maids kept talking about it, how worried they were about the young master's health for his new developed weird habit.

The greenhouse has become his private sanctuary. No one was allowed inside but him. It wasn't due to an order, but everyone silently agreed that a huge mansion such as this was impossible to call home, and instead of roaming the whole rooms all day as he used to do, it was more pleasant that he found a comfortable place.

It wasn't until she was there for half a year that she gathered the courage to approach him, growing as the eldest of her two brothers she couldn't help but worry about him. It wasn't normal to her that a guy his age with unlimited amount of money in his disposal and freedom would silently ignore it all and willingly stay alone.

She wanted him to act his age, be a troublemaker. Someone she'd have to report to his father about him causing trouble or being a nuisance to the house staff. And she assumed that would be a hard task, she prepared herself to fight to get closer to him so her shock was understandable as he casually smiled at her when she talked to him for the first time.

It was easy to get close to him and get him to open up to her about why he stopped sleeping in his room though his answers didn't make sense to her most of the time, she was thankful he wasn't antisocial or showed any of the symptoms she had read about in those self help books when she was still in college when she was worried about her younger brother developing a depression or suicidal tendencies as they entered high school without her being around them.

The more she talked to him, the more she worried less and understood him less. He wasn't sick or disturbed, there was no hidden motives behind any of his actions, he just seemed to like the darkness and being alone in it. And when he suddenly vanished, she was the only one worried about him yet she couldn't take any legal actions as she was a mere house manager.

Even reporting it to his father came fruitless as he just brushed it off as Jimin being an adult now has the liberty to come and go as he pleased.

For the past three months, she kept checking the green house, hoping he'd appear one day.

Tonight was just like any of the previous night when she did her routinque tour of the greenhouse, she wasn't expecting any change, but instead she could hear male voices coming from inside. None of the voices sounded familiar, breaking out into cold sweat, fearing the worst, only a split of a second past as she finally heard a familiar voice.

Not wasting time to think of the appropriate action to take, she opened the door turning on the light and called out to him.


'I didn't know Jimin was this rich, his mom is very young too' taehyung and Jungkook leaned into each other whispering their fascination towards Jimin's hidden life.

The woman who called out to jimin was very young, seemed to be only in the late of her twenties. She was dressed in a comfortable shirt and pants indicating they had surprised her when she was near her bed time.

After she found them and getting over her shock, she took them into a huge mansion separated from the greenhouse they were in by a garden and left the in the care of a maid who brought them some tea and sandwiches as she and Jimin walked away for some privacy.

'She's not' yoongi said seeming uninterested by the other youngsters whispering up until now. 'She's not his mom. That's the house keeper. And don't get too cozy, we'll have to leave soon' upon saying that, Jimin gets into the room with a sad look in his eyes covered with a forced smile.

'I'm sorry guys, we can't stay here' instead of questioning him or giving Jimin confused looks, the one receiving them was Yoongi. The man was someone who wouldn't show interested in anyone's private life so far, let along read correctly into someone's state predicting their actions.

Jimin didn't offer any explanation as to why they couldn't stay in his family house and no one asked. They knew at this point that each one of them walked with a huge load of baggage from his past that he didn't want to address or acknowledge to the others.

The young woman happily let them take a car from the immense garage though they had to spend extra time there trying to peal Taehyung away from a red Lamborghini. They ended up having to listen to him scold them and call them various names for setteling for a Mazda CX-9.

'Taehyung, there is no sport car in the world that would fit us all at once, besides we should do everything we can to keep a low cover. So calm down and stop acting like a kid.' Jin finally scolded him unable to take any more of his ranting as he was already on edge trying to figure out where to drive next because it was obvious Namjoon was not able yet to come up with a proper plan.

A.N: Car in attachment is the Mazda CX-9 the boys are in right now.

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