The World As We Know It

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The World was a mess.

No one can be trusted. A father that you grew up depending on for protection would exchange you for safety. For in the world today, If you're under the age of fifteen, the government has full custody over you.

The day me and the others to reveal ourselves to the world, all we had in mind is our own safety and the hope of helping innocent people. Not once did we expect the world to get divided into three sides; Humans, Subjects and Projects.

Humans are those who showed no distinctive threats and are choosing to live in isolated colonies refusing to take part in the war.

Subjects are us, those with natural powers and refusing to join the forces of the government.

and The Projects; projects are a joining force of the natural powers holders and unnatural ones. The majority of the projects are children taken from their parents at young age and experimented on in the search of the perfect human.

We didn't realize the impact of our decision until it was too late for us to react. We were made heroes by the Media, we even appeared on many shows, had meeting with people in theatres, talked about our past and the organization. Little did we know that we were being used to gain the public's trust so that when the announcement for the Project 01 was launched kids from all over the world didn't hesitate to join. Parents were encouraging their kids to join, urging them to become the next BTS, the world saviors. A year later, an inside source revealed the hideous truth of what exactly what was going on inside the facilities the government called EDEN. Kids were given shots and drugs to stimulate their minds into getting more sensitive, enhancing their senses, exposing them to radiations. The most disturbing thing the footage leaked showed was that all Projects seemed to have been drained of any sign of humanity.

As the public started going against the project, the government issued the law of all children under the age of fifteen are to be handed over to the authorities or they'll be killed.

As for us; BTS, we started all of this. We were the façade that encouraged the project to take place. Our pictures are everywhere. The organization didn't have to look for us or waste any energy on it, for the same people we first hoped to help are the ones haunting us.

There was no safe place. Our only hope is to stop the projects, bring the world to what it was before we interfered and to pray those who were hurt and lost their loved ones because of this find some peace out of it.

I decided to start this journal after me and the other encountered and killed a Project for the first time. The fact that it was a child did nothing but make me want to swim in the shadows and suffocate myself there to death.

I have no doubt the others are feeling the same way, The bus we now use is abnormally silent.

Jin is driving with both hands gripped tightly on the steering wheel, Jungkook is pretending to be asleep with his headset on so loud I can hear the Metallica vocalist, Yoongi's hand are still in flames, Tae's been staring out the window not blinking and Hoseok has been sitting beside the person I'm most worried about, Namjoon. Ever since this thing started he has been blaming himself, saying it was his responsibility as our leader to see through their plan and guide us away from it. Nothing any of us said made him believe otherwise, probably due to the fact that we as humans, no matter how hard we try not to, we look for someone to blame that is not ourselves in the back of our mind, and he has the liberty to see right through that hidden part of our minds that even we hated to have.

'Namjoon?' I said as low as I can, talking in this kind of atmosphere was as pressing the wrong button and detonate the bomb instead of shutting it.

'It's all my fault. We wouldn't have been here if I didn't insist on making that stupid Youtube channel. We could've just laid low, minded our own business but no I had to have a big ego and refuse to admit defeat.'

'oh would you just shut up!' Yoongi shouted from the head of the bus before turning to glare at Namjoon. 'I torched him!! I burned him alive'

That sent the bus into its previous silence. We all felt terrible, but I don't think any of us stopped to think of what Yoongi must've been feeling. It was his flames that killed the Project.

'yoon...' Hoseok attempted by Yoongi stopped him with a glare.

'Stop the bus' Yoongi ordered Jin who was in a daze. 'Stop the fucking bus!!' He shouted as everyone else noticed the flames getting more intense.

Jin brought the bus into an abrupt stop and Yoongi hurried out as Jin reached for the fire distinguisher to follow him.

'Don't you dare' he glared at Jin as he saw him point the hose at him. Yoongi's breathing was so fast and he was in a state that I've never seen before. Even back at the cottage when he almost lost control, he seemed oblivious to it. But now, it was as if he was having a panic attack.

'Yoongi' Hoseok approached him with his sad smile, the smile he always makes when he tries to pretend nothing is getting to him. 'Yoongi you had no choice, he was going to kill us all. He wasn't even a human anymore. They brainwashed him, you did what you had to do'

With every word he took a small step towards him, cautiously making sure he won't anger him.

'Yoongi I need you to take a deep breath, let me touch you'

One of the things we all came to learn is that Hoseok has somehow developed an ability to control Yoongi's heat only by touching him, as he was the only person to not be affected by his extreme heat.

Yoongi let Hoseok hold onto his hands and the flames started immediately decreasing.

'see, you're doing fine, you're gonna be fine' Hoseok repeated until Yoongi's breathing went back to normal.

'I killed a child' Yoongi let out reaching both his arms to grab Hoseok in a hug.

Hoseok started shushing him and I could swear to hear a sniffling sound from Yoongi but decided not to point it out as Hoseok waved us all to go back on the bus and give them some privacy.

We did as asked and went back to the bus as the two stayed in their hug with Hoseok's hands on Yoongi's back drawing soothing circles. I watched from the window as Hoseok finally held Yoongi's face in both his hands and planted a kiss on his forehead.


me....I'm back '-' 

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