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'Why does it always have to be me? ' Hoseok grunted as the others were done filling him in about what happened so far.

He had woke up with a strong headache that Taehyung helped ease out somehow with a touch of his hand to hoseok's forehead.

'Sorry about your car Jin' Hoseok apologized and Jin just shrugged it off saying it was an old van and they would've needed to abandon it soon anyway.

'So basically now we're back to the start again? ' Hoseok asked starting to notice the scary glare Yoongi was giving him making him wonder if something happened while he was unconscious.

'We at least now know a little more about what happened. And we know we all agree on finding whoever is behind this and putting an end to it' Jin added looking at Namjoon smiling expectedly. Namjoon knew he was waiting for him to add details to that plan, but among worrying about Hoseok and thinking about Bree's motives, he had no time to elaborate the plan furthermore.

'You guys remember the little problem we run into yesterday? ' Taehyung says when everyone stayed silent. Woozi, Jin and jimin threw their heads back sighing heavily.

'What? ' jungkook asked confused as Namjoon took a slight peek into Jin's thoughts finding out about their previous unfortunate encounter with a police officer who recognised Taehyung.

Namjoon had no idea why Taehyung was fleeing justice but he assumed it was in no way a good thing. Because no matter how trivial it was, one of them being recognised by authorities only meant the organization getting closer to them.
'We're screwed, let's get out of here. Woozi get us out' Namjoon looked at Woozi not caring to explain to the other three who had no idea what was going on.

'I can't. Daylight teleporter, remember? I'm as useful as a car with no tiles during the night. But Jimin can do it ' he added staring expectantly at Jimin who's eyes widened upon having everyone's attention directed towards him.

'Everyone in favor of taking the bus? ' Taehyung monotonously said raising a hand.

'Stop it, I showed you how to do it. It's really easy just remember everything I told you' Woozi encouraged him and Jimin shyly nodded.

'I think I can do it'

'Alright then, let's do it all at once so we won't be split into two groups again.' Namjoon nodded taking the hand of Hoseok and Jungkook who were setting beside him.

'Let's hope none of us splits into two' Taehyung mumbled earning a glare from Jin then smiled encouragingly at Jimin.

Jimin took a deep breath while closing his eyes. Remembering everything Woozi explained, he had mastered teleporting himself but had never tried doing it with others. He needed to concentrate all his thoughts into the shadows. Let the darkness form a tunnel that let them to a safe place. Imagining the road through the darkness to that place, a safe place where he was strongly familiar with. A place where he was in many times and felt safe in it, he should imagine the walls forming around them, the familiar soothing scent of flowers coming from the flower shop next door.

'Wow, this is pretty' Taehyung let out and Jimin finally opened hid eyes. He has managed to teleport them into a green house he was very familiar with. It was the only place that offered him a peace of mind when he was on the streets.

'Wow Jimin, they remember you' Jin stared at him in aw while gently touching some leaves.

'Dude you talk to plants? ' Hoseok questioned.
'Alright guys, I can't take any more surprises, let's all explain what we can do exactly. I'm still freaked out over Taehyung's pain killer technique! ' Hoseok added making the other stare at one another in silence before Jungkook snickered.

'I can't believe we just naturally teamed up without actually knowing anything about one another. ' jungkook pointed out. He sighed before deciding to be the first to talk about his powers, noticing how tense everyone was.

'Well I'll gladly start. I can control, read and detect magnetic fields. I'm still though trying to master how to fully manipulate it. ' jungkook smiled widely staring at Jimin expectantly.

'Uhm... I... I guess you already know everything about my power now. I'm a shadow walker. I don't know if I can do more than transport, I've never tried ' jimin let out a soft sigh when no one questioned him, totally unaware of the suspicious stare Woozi was giving him.

'Well, I'm the same as Jimin, just with sunlight' woozi cheerfully let out before slapping a hand on Hoseok's arm 'how about you luck charm? '

'Me? I... ' Hoseok started but stopped thinking back of what Yoongi had told him in the cottage. The ore he thought about it, the more convinced he became of the fact he was normal. What was he to offer to the group? Luck? It sure seemed lady luck had abandoned them a long time ago.

'Mine's very obvious, I can do anything you can imagine with fire' Yoongi let out interrupting Hoseok's train of thoughts after noticing the distraught look on his face. He didn't want the boy to feel uneasy or fall ill right after waking up, if that was to happen, Namjoon would come after him since he was the one with Hoseok during his sleep. And Yoongi was in no mood for fighting over something that trivial. This whole journey was starting to make him uncomfortable. This was the most involved he ever got with other people and the fact that he wasn't hating it didn't please him.

'I'm a naturalist. I can communicate with plants. I don't know how to explain it, you can say that for me, there's no difference between plants and humans'

'Just don't try to reproduce' Taehyung let out earning a smack on the shoulder by Jin who glared at him and gave him an earful on how to read the mood and be serious.

'I was joking, joking! You're so uptight'

'How about you spoon Bender? ' yoongi asked mentally cursing himself for the nickname he grew familiar to use, hoping the use of it alongside his tone of voice wouldn't spark a dispute. Nonetheless, Namjoon glared at him first before rolling his eyes and putting his hands in his jean pockets. He gave a weird look to Hoseok that seemed to Yoongi as if he was asking for permission. A look that said 'I'm gonna regret this' and Yoongi prepared himself for all his doubts to be cleared or confirmed.

'I'm only telling you guys this because I agree that we need to know all about each other's powers if we're going to stand up together. We're in a serious situation and we're eachother's only hope to survive what to come. And to do that, we need to communicate well and trust each other. We're a team'

Everyone stayed silent as Namjoon spoke in a serious tone waiting for him to explain his powers.

'I can do this' everyone's eyes widened as they realized the words were not coming out of Namjoon but rather from the inside of their minds. His lips didn't move as his voice echoed inside their minds.

'So you lied when you said you can bind a spoon? ' jungkook pointed out confused.

'No I didn't, I can do that. I just didn't want to freak you all out, besides, I didn't really know I can trust you enough back then'

'Now you do? How do we know you're still not hiding anything else? ' Jimin joined Jungkook at staring suspiciously at Namjoon who hated how he felt cornered under their gazes.

'Hey! My ability is still confusing even me, besides we still have Taehyung to explain his' Namjoon hurried to point out Taehyung succeeding in diverging their attention from him to said guy.
Taehyung looked at him like a dear caught in the headlights.

'Me? Oh, uhm... I can control pain, other people's pain. ' he explained in the best way he could.

None of them was used to talking about his powers, or ever had the need to explain it. To have a large group of similar people whom to figure out their powers with more, both thrilled and scared them all. They all internally agree they were a team, but if a time came where they had to engage in a fight, they had to know everything they can manage about the other person beside them. The more important each of them had to know, is whether or not they could put their trust into him.

'Guys, I know this is important but can we do this somewhere else? ' Jimin said looking around at the dark greenhouse.

They had no time to question him or move as the lights came on and a female voice spoke sleepily.
'Jimin? Is that really you? '

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