It's not me

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'are you okay? ' Hoseok asked softly. Yoongi had hurried to lay on the bed as soon as they reached the room.

He got no reply, Yoongi's breath was heavy and he seemed exhausted so he decided to let him get some rest instead of talking to him about what happened in the restroom. Curiosity was killing him about the few minutes he had no recollection of, but he knew Yoongi now enough to be sure he won't hesitate to set him on fire if he didn't let him get some rest.

'I wanna talk about what happened. So, whenever you feel like it let me know' Hoseok whispered to him as to not be heard by the other standing nearby getting out of the daze of the teleportation.

'I'm going back for Namjoon and Jimin now' BamBam held into Woozi as he announced that making him stop.

'you're going back there? '

'we agreed on that. I can't just let them there'

'you're crazy, are you really falling for that excuse? Jungkook?! Yeah right! I'm sure those two are planning to get you alone there to hand you over in exchange for their friend' SeokJin, Taehyung and Hoseok stared at the two as BamBam kept trying to convince Woozi how they're part of the organization's plan and they're only trying to get the two of them.

'BamBam you're a mind reader, just read their minds. I'm sure you'll trust them' Woozi reassured him.

'that's why I don't trust them!! The only two I can use my powers on are that fire boy who's only thinking about Hoseok and the plant freak worrying about that stupid pot at the entrance of the hotel!! '

'BamBam listen, I understand if you don't trust us. None of us is forcing you to stay. You can go, both of you if you want. We're not forcing anyone to stay here. But before, Woozi has to bring our friends back. They're counting on him' SeokJin calmly said.

'no, I'm not letting him go there alone. If you go I'll come too'

'I can't do that, I barely have enough energy to get them back here' the two started getting loud again before being shut up by a loud thud coming from the closed locker at the room's entrance.

'what was that? ' Taehyung spoke looking at the locker's door in amusement.

The gang walked slowly to the locker, some sounds still coming from inside of it before the door came open and down came Namjoon and Jimin falling to the floor on top of Jungkook, the two still keeping a tight grip over him.


'he's been brainwashed? ' Woozi asked still unable to believe it.

'that's the only explanation I can think of' Namjoon said.

They had him tied down to a chair with a tape over his mouth since he hadn't stop trying to convince them about joining the organization.

'can't you read his thoughts? ' Taehyung suggested.

'I tried, but I can't find any memory from when we last saw him up to the party' Namjoon explained and everyone fell to silence. 'what's with lava boy?' Namjoon asked finally noticing Yoongi still sleeping on the bed.

'we don't know, just let him rest. As a matter of fact, we should all rest. How about we go get us more rooms and get some sleep? ' SeokJin suggested looking around at the tired guys.

'yes please!! I feel like I didn't sleep in a month! ' Taehyung let out dramatically before heading to the door followed by everyone

'what about Jungkook? ' Jimin asked stopping them.

'I'll keep an eye on him and try to dig deeper in his thoughts, you guys get some rest' Namjoon said before adding telepathically to Hoseok 'yeah you go too, we'll talk about your little session later you pervert'

Hoseok rolled his eyes and followed the other hoping Yoongi won't wake up and start a quarrel with Namjoon while they're away.

As they left, Namjoon took off the tape from Jungkook's mouth and started asking him questions about the organization, but all he got for ten minutes is Jungkook's repeated words about how amazing they are and how they're there to help them. Getting nowhere with this, he put the tape back and walked to sit on the couch for some rest before Yoongi's thoughts started to seem more awake.

'I know you're awake' he calmly said

'I wasn't pretending not to be' Yoongi mumbled in a sleepy voice without moving his body still hoping to get more sleep.

'you don't look good' Yoongi didn't answer making Namjoon talk 'so you figured it out ha? '

Yoongi finally looked up opening his eyes to give him a confused look before realizing he had unconsciously thought of Hoseok and Namjoon must've read his thoughts.

'stay away from my head'

'I never would've thought you were that kinky'

'hey!! ' Yoongi warned him sitting up.

'don't be ashamed, I know how good Hoseok is' Namjoon kept teasing him but stopped and cleared his throat as he saw sparks starting at the tips of his ears and decided to pretend not to notice the blush on his cheeks.

'don't tell him' Namjoon said seriously.

'why? He's dangerous, we should let everyone know and warn them about him. He almost killed me'

'he wouldn't have if you hadn't kissed him' Namjoon said receiving a glare from Yoongi.

'he's not dangerous, that last incident must've messed with his ability since he was never able to figure out how to control it. It's just a little chaotic but I can fix him. I just need more time to get more energy and I'll do something about it without him knowing.'

'why? You can just tell him that he's sucking people to death and he'll at least know to keep an eye on himself' Yoongi asked confused watching Namjoon look all serious.

'you don't know anything about him. So far, Hoseok's power was to bring other's luck in exchange of him receiving the bad luck and he was happy with that. As long as he's bringing people around him hope he doesn't care what happens to him. And you wanna tell that kind of person that he's killing others? Subconsciously?!! He won't be able to trust himself! He's my friend and I promised him I won't let anything bad happen to him. You have my word, he won't hurt anyone ' Namjoon said looking Yoongi in the eye.

'you two are gross' Yoongi said breaking the silence making Namjoon chuckle.

'so are you kinky' Yoongi threw his pillow at him and Namjoon picked it up and stood up throwing it back at him. They were throwing it back and forth with all their might when Namjoon ducked at the exact time the room's door opened up and Taehyung walked inside getting hit by the wild pillow.

Everyone froze for a moment before Taehyung screamed out excited 'PILLOW FIGHT! ' and stormed inside the room throwing all pillows at the two who picked them up throwing them back at him.


A.N: and just like this Yonjoon realized how good of a friend they can be to each other and decided to ditch everyone with them, bring Hoseok to a faraway land and live of coconuts and threesomes.

Sorry :)

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