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'So what are you planning to do? ' Namjoon asked sitting beside Jin. Yoongi had taking over the wheel as the child refused to detattach herself from him.
'we have to help this kid go back home'
'Jin the kid has no home. Her parents are dead because they refused to give her up.' Namjoon explained.
'So why do you suggest? We leave her in the woods? ' everyone could see Jin was tensing up, he knew Namjoon would try to reason with him that keeping a normal child with them is a big burden, but he just couldn't find it in him to leave a kid with no power alone, especially seeing how the child seemed to grow fond of him.
'listen, it has been a hectic journey So far and we're all tired. We've been going in circles for weeks and we have no target. What I suggest is we find a place where to crash for a while. Get some time to clear our minds'
'I think I can help with that' Jungkook said looking at the banner indicating they're approaching a familiar town, the same town he grew up in, the same town he knew his parents don't visit anymore.
'nice place' Hoseok commented as the group walked into the large empty Villa.
'no one's here so we'll have to serve ourselves' he said apologetically watching the others look around.
'as long as there's a bed, not a problem.' Yoongi said already heading towards the stairs.
'here, you can put her in my old room' Jungkook hurried up the stairs to guide the way for Jin who was holding the sleeping child in his arms carefully.

'I don't know about you but I'm going to join the sleeping team' taehyung announced going up the stairs leaving Hoseok and Namjoon with Jimin.
The three stood in silence, jimin could sense the two wanted to talk about something alone, they didn't try to hide that they were having a telepathic conversation but he still couldn't bring himself to leave. He wasn't sleepy, and he didn't feel comfortable roaming around Jungkook's childhood house alone.
For a second, he ignored the awkwardness and stared at Namjoon wondering what possibly both he and Jungkook, and at some point Hoseok, three amazing guys, ever saw in Taehyung. The guy was a criminal, a mess, and he still managed to get their attention without even trying.
'you know I can hear you' Namjoon said glaring at him making him blush.
'sorry I didn't mean to.. '
'you know what you're doing is wrong, right? ' Jimin couldn't find the words to defend himself, he knew what he was doing with Jungkook was wrong, he knew it wasn't the solution, but he has no other explanation to his tolerance to it other than how addicted he became to the boy's touch. He had longed for So long for someone to give him some kind of intimate attention that when it happened, even though in a wrong way, he couldn't refuse it. But he would never be able to say it out loud, he can't explain it to Jungkook in words in hopes of having something real.
'Hoseok do you mind? I need to speak to Jimin' Hoseok only nodded and headed up the stairs leaving Namjoon staring at a flustered jimin.
'take a seat Jiminie' jimin's heart started to slow his rate upon hearing the nickname in a soothing tone.
At least he wasn't going to get scolded. He thought to himself taking a seat on a sofa.
'I think it's time for us to have the talk' Namjoon said taking a seat at the spot beside Jimin.
'the talk?'
'you know, the when a man loves a woman talk'
'oh hell no' Jimin stood up abruptly but was stopped by Namjoon holding his wrist and forcing him back down bit letting go.
'Jiminie I'm sorry if being around me and Tae or Hoseok and Yoongi has made you pressured into accepting what you share with kook. I know it was your first time and I hate that it starting to be a painful memory'
'please' jimin interrupted him 'please stay out of my mind'
'I can't help it. You have such a beautiful mind that I find myself sinking in it each time further than I thought possible.'
Jimin snorted.
'me? Beautiful mind? Come on Namjoon I don't need to be a mind reader to know you're lying'
'that's your problem, you can't see the beauty in you.' Namjoon saw how Jimin was not reacting well to his words So he decided to drop the subject, for now. 'Kook's a good kid but you're too scared to lose him by stopping him.'
'are you sure you're not just annoyed that he's after your boyfriend? ' Jimin asked only half joking.
'no, I'm more annoyed he's taking you for granted but I do realize it's not my place to place judgement. But what I am in place to do is warn you Jungkook is not the type to think of the team if what you're doing go south and we need him'
'fine, if that happens then I'll leave' as jimin spoke those words he felt the grip around his wrist tighten strongly bruising him.
'that's not even an option. If Jungkook leaves we'll be disadvantaged. But if you left, Yoongi leaves, making Hoseok leave and So am I. You're gluing us together. Even now, what you're doing, you're doing it so that the team stay together.'
'I don't want to be just a glue' Jimin mumbled looking down, wanting to see what Namjoon saw in him.
'I have faith in what I see inside of you Jimin. One day you'll realize just how strong you are. You're training, aren't you? Keep it up and that day might come sooner than you think'
Jimin was about to say something in return but the voice of Jungkook faking a cough interrupted him. He could see Namjoon wasn't surprised.
'what are you doing? ' Jungkook asked staring down at their intertwined hands.
'sharing a bromance moment' Namjoon joked leaving Jimin's hand gently before standing up and walking past Jungkook towards wherever Tae was sleeping to get a long nap.
'what was that about? ' Jungkook finally spoke walking towards Jimin.
'nothing, just talking'
'about what? ' Jungkook sat at the spot Namjoon occupied earlier and Jimin thought well before answering.
'you' he watched as Jungkook tensed up, his eyes following where Namjoon went.
'me? Why? What did he say? Is he mad at me? ' Jungkook nervously asked. At that moment, Jimin wasn't sure if Jungkook had forgotten that Namjoon was his love rival, or if his nature has overpowered his forced rivalry thoughts, but he could see in the kid's eyes how much Namjoon's opinion mattered to him.
'you're a good kid Jungkook, a good kid' Jimin smiled at him before asking for a tour of the house as none of them was tired enough to sleep.


Hello everyone, thank you for reading thus far making this fanfic have almost 20K reads.
I love sharing this fanfic with you and reading your opinions and reactions to it. I'm sorry though it was starting to get a little dull lately  but I was on a vacation and whenever that happens my imagination just shuts itself and takes a vacation of its own.
I recently wrote a HoseokxNickiMinaj smut but I don't know if anyone would be interested in reading it. If you do, let me know and I'll publish it.
Again thank you and I hope you all have a pleasant week, take advantage of the random chances life throw your way and make history.

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