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Yoongi was losing so much blood that by the time they felt the bus hit the ground his face was paler than usual.
The group was standing guard, preparing themselves for a fight when a window crashed and a smoke bomb erupted making them all fall to the ground as sleeping gaz filled their lungs.
Jimin couldn't open his eyes at first. The room he was put in was as bright as being placed inches away from the sun. The windowless unfurnished room had only one door. The floor, ceiling and walls were covered in white fabric.
The door slid open just enough to allow a woman in dark grey suit to walk in.
She stood in front of jimin, her smile unfaltering, her hands behind her back keeping her dominant poster.
'Park Jimin. I have to be honest, I was surprised to know you survived this far with your profile. It must've been unpleasant to be a shadow to all those strong people. I can't help but feel sorry for them, if I had to be on the run, trying to stay alive and take care of you above all that. I'd rather give myself in. Of course, I'll have to make it look like it was an ambush, like someone else spotted us and called the authorities. Because I wouldn't want to risk losing my cover. '
Jimin wasn't sure if the woman was talking to him to see his reaction or she really meant what she said.
'are you saying one of my friends is a spy?'
'I didn't say that, I wasn't with you. I didn't see who was acting weird lately, eager for a confrontation. Let himself show his anger knowing he won't have to put up with all of that anymore.'
'shut up you're lying!! ' jimin yelled, hating himself for letting her get to him, making him think over all his friend's recent actions.
'I didn't say anything for you to judge a lie or not. I'm only saying what I would've done. It's not my fault someone you know acted the same way.' as she said that, she turned around and the door gave her way to leave the room.
Jimin's attempt to reach the door before it locked was futile and he stomped his foot cursing himself.
Yoongi couldn't feel anything around him, his feet touched no floor and he felt like he was drowning. His breathing felt forced, like he wasn't doing it for himself. He tried to reach his hand and feel the space around him for a solid object, but he realized his hands and feet were strapped to a cold surface behind him.
His eyes flew open to a horrible realization; he was strapped inside a tank filled with freezing water, an oxygen mask on his mouth and nose.
It took a moment for his vision to adjust and allow him to see the silhouette of a woman in grey suit standing in front of the tank with a familiar annoying smile on her face.
Yoongi gritted his teeth and tried to heat up the water around him, but the water would drop down to its freezing temperature in a moment.
The woman waved a hand at him before turning back and leaving the room.
Yoongi gave up his plan and looked around trying to find the others, but he could only see Jungkook's body strapped down to a table with an oxygen mask on and an IV to his arm.
In a separate room, Namjoon and Taehyung woke up in a soundproof doorless room.
They soon realized that no matter how much they tried, they couldn't make any sound.
~I can still hear your thoughts~ Namjoon pointed out.
~where are the others?~
~I don't know, I can't hear anything outside this place~
A screen appeared at the top of a wall and text appeared on it.

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused by the method used to capture you
We would've sent you a proper invitation
But you had no fixed address
We're sure you're angry
But you have to understand
We wish you no harm
We have an offer to make you
Join us
And we'll make sure the whole world
Treat you as heroes
If you agree
Raise a thumb up
We'll give you five minutes

The two exchanged a confused look.
~what are we going to do?  Taehyung waited for a reply from Namjoon but the other turned his gaze to the screen and kept staring at it until the count down was over and a new message was displayed
*Your answer? *
Taehyung didn't hesitate to raise his hand and put up his middle finger before showing a thumb down.
And Mister Namjoon? *
Namjoon raised a hand slowly, holding a thumb up and keeping it like that.
YOU!!!! Taehyung hated he couldn't scream and couldn't use his powers. His heart fell as Namjoon didn't even look at him, nor did he reply to his demands to explain himself and how he was selling them all.
Taehyung was confused, he refused to let the feeling of betrayal take over him. If he did, he'd be admitting that he was wrong about the first person he ever fell in love with, that Namjoon didn't care what would happen to him, that he didn't consider being with him is a priority.
A part of him was glad a black smoke filled the room before Namjoon would turn and see the tears in his eyes.
As the room filled by the black smoke, Namjoon felt two strong hands grab each of his arms and pull him out of the smoke into a long white corridor.
Two tall well built military men stood on each of his sides. They kept their grip on his arms as they directed him further into the long empty corridor.
They finally turned right to face a door.
The door slid open and they pushed him inside the room before the door closed behind him.
The room was well furnished, there was a couch, a TV, a small fridge, and a floor to ceiling glass window giving a beautiful view on the city bellow, indicating to Namjoon that they were in one of the top floors in the organization's headquarters skyscraper.
Taehyung was the last to be shoved inside the room.
Jungkook, jimin, Yoongi and Hoseok were already there standing guard.
As they made sure Taehyung was not injured, a screen appeared and a text started scrolling down.
You guys are the ones who refused our offer
We are sorry you made this decision
We hope you won't be sorry when you face the consequences
You'll be kept in this room
Until further notice *

A.N: Hello guys, I'm sorry I didn't update in almost a month, I have no excuse. Life wasn't so easy on me those past few weeks and today I had to find out Jin's grandma died. This is a tragedy. Jin is the member I respect the most in BTS, not only because he's my bias, but we're the same age and watching him those last years, how he paved his way to our hearts and proved himself as the great singer he is now, how he does his best to bring joy to the fans and the other members, I learned a lot. Jin had no interest in singing before he joined BigHit, and he wasn't as young as the others. Those two facts gave me hope that just because I graduated highschool without finding my dream, it didn't mean that I would never. it took me five years after highschool to finally have a clear vision of the future, to find something I'm passionate about and able to make a career in. There was a period in my life where I was stuck in a shitty job, I had no one, the highlight of my days was when I ate a store bought sandwich while watching eatJin in an empty office. I do not exaggerate when I say that if it wasn't for BTS and especially Jin, I wouldn't be the person that I am today.
So please give love to Jin, support him and make him know that there are people who care about him.

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