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'wow' Hoseok stumbled to gain his balance. The world was slightly spinning around him even though he now feels a steady ground under his feet.
As soon as the dizziness and nausea subsided, he was able to see clearly Taehyung glaring around seeming unharmed by the dizziness making Hoseok wonder if he had a seizure of some sort. But then he noticed something; they were no longer outside.
He had walked out of the house trying to escape Taehyung's clinginess, but the boy followed him and grabbed his arm possessively demanding they spend the few minutes left in the privacy of the cottage cuddling.
For Hoseok, as much as sweet and lovely it was to get the full attention of someone, he was still not used to it. After all, he only knew Taehyung for a couple of days, the boy never even seemed interested in him, so him getting this attached to him out of nowhere started to seem off to him especially after the scary episode of possessiveness he showed earlier towards Jimin. Besides, no amount of good sex can make Hoseok get his mind off of a certain flaming boy in such a short time. Yesterday's unpleasant hurting feeling surfaced as soon as Yoongi appeared in front of him this morning not even seeming to be aware of the hurt his previous words had caused.
Hoseok was about to lose his patient with Taehyung when a small kid manifested in front of them and put a hand on each of their arms, that's when the dizziness started and Hoseok felt as if his insides were burning and his head would explode from the sever pressure. It had gotten so bright around them that he was forced to close his eyes until all the pain went away.
He now grew confused as the natural forest was replaced by four white enforced walls. There were no windows, no chairs, nothing. Not even a door, leading to Taehyung's following words.
'how the heck did we get in here' before Hoseok can reciprocate the confused look Taehyung was giving him, a sound came in seeming to be spoken from a speaker.
'well hello there fellow gentlemen, it is our pleasure to see you join us'
Taehyung and Hoseok exchanged a look before Taehyung spoke.
'who the fuck are you? Where are we? '
'now now, don't be fiercy. And before you try anything funny, the room you're in is designed to hold in any kind of inhuman power... '
'expect mine ' a small voice chipped in cheerfully.
'what are you doing? You can't just take the mic! '
'but you said I can speak in it too! '
'aaaaafter I finish. You can't just cut me off like that! '
'but I wanna talk too! You're not being fair! '
'I'm the leader, you're supposed to do as I say! '
'says who?! I want to be the leader too!! '
The two speakers bickered for a minute sounding to be fighting over the hold of the certain mic when an abrupt thud was heard as it seemed to have fallen to the ground.
Hoseok and Taehyung relaxed as the realization of their mystery kidnappers were certainly just kids fooling around for some reason.
'alright alright, can you two handle your issues already and get us out of here?' Hoseok spoke trying to sound as calm and unfazed as possible.
'no can't do, you're staying there until I decide you're safe to walk out' the boy who sounded the oldest spoke gaining control over the mic.
'alright at least dim the lights a little, we're going blind in here ' Taehyung pleaded looking around trying to figure out a way to break out.
'can't do that too'
'oh come on, why not? '
'Because then I won't be able to get in' the same small boy appeared in front of them making both of them jolt back cursing under their breath.
'woozzi what do you think you're doing?! ' the older boy spoke through the speakers.
'you're not letting me do anything! So I'm not playing with you anymore'
The two exchanged another look before Taehyung smiled and relaxed.
'you know what, I think I like this woozzi kid better than the other one' upon hearing that, the kid's face light up, literally his face seemed to get brighter.
'I have to agree, I'd totally vote for you as a leader' Hoseok shimmed in.
'really? You'd let me be the leader? ' Woozzi cheerfully asked.
'don't be an idiot! They're just trying to make you get them out' the second guy's voice came from the speakers making the cheerful look on Woozzi's face get replaced by confusion.
'is that true? Are you two just lying to me? ' the genuine hurt in his voice make Taehyung and Hoseok wonder if the small boy was just joking or mentally unstable.
'emm, no we're not. I mean, you seem like a cool guy' Hoseok said giving Taehyung a confused look.
'yeah, and you're not going to hurt us, right? Because then we can't let you be a leader'
'What?!! Why not?!! '
'well, if you're going to be our leader, you need to protect us first. A leader is someone who put himself at risk to protect his team.' Hoseok speaks playing along with Taehyung hoping their little pursuit to gain the small boy's trust succeeds.
Woozzi looks down a little obviously thinking hard about what to decide next before looking up smiling confidently.
'alright then!! I can do it. I will protect you guys no matter what if you let me be your leader' Taehyung and Hoseok nod.
'oh for Goodness sakes Woozzi stop it already. Get back here' the guy scolded sounding frustrated.
'no!!! They're my team now I can't let you hurt them! ' Woozzi yells hurrying to get his hands on both Taehyung's and Hoseok's arm before the two feels the same sensation they felt prior to getting there.


This time around, Hoseok had to kneel down and breath hard in order to gain his composure while Taehyung as unaffected as Woozzi stood there looking around.
'I'm sorry it hurts, but only at first, you'll soon get used to it' Woozzi apologizes and Hoseok unable yet to form a coherent sentence only raises a hand and waves it at him.
'ok but where are we now? ' Taehyung speaks still not able to figure out their location, all he could see is an empty beach.
'oh sorry about it, I was in a hurry so I brought us to the first place that popped into my mind with enough light ' Hoseok looks up just in time to give him the same quizzical look as Taehyung.
'you're a teleporter? ' Taehyung asks.
'kind of, I can manipulate the light and also teleport in it'
'oh, like Jimin does with shadows' Taehyung exclaims bringing his and Hoseok's attention back to the situation they had previously left in the cottage.
'they must be looking for us ' Hoseok says as he straightened us.
'you guys..... You guys are leaving? ' Woozzi worriedly says staring at the both of them.
Taehyung and Hoseok look at each other before excusing themselves for a minute and walking out of earshot from him.
'what are supposed to do? ' Hoseok says.
'why are you asking me? You're the oldest. Think of something, we can't just stay here and babysit him. We have to get back '
'but we need him to get back!' they whispered while looking back at woozzi making sure he wasn't able to hear them.
'we can take him with us. His power is somehow similar to Jimin's, so he might help him learn some new tricks' Hoseok suggested earning a glare from Taehyung.
'are you crazy? He might be a stupid kid but he kidnapped us! You can't just trust him.'
'well what are we going to do then? We have to.. ' Hoseok stops talking as he looks back and find out that woozzi was gone. 'great, now we're stuck here'
'sorry to interrupt you guys, but the sun is setting' woozzi says appearing infront of them making them jolt.
'so? Want us to sit and enjoy the view? ' Taehyung says sarcastically.
'of course not. But I need you guys to decided where to go fast. I can only use my powers if there is sun' he informs them and waits for their decision.
'well aren't you the leader? You're the one who's supposed to decide' Woozzi was not able to take in the sarcasm in Taehyung's words, so his face light up at the word of leader and he frowns thinking hard of what to say.
'I can't take you back to the faculty or BamBam would try and get you for himself, hmmm so how about I get you back to where I found you? You guys have other friends, right? ' Taehyung and Hoseok nods pleased at where the conversation was going.
'great! Maybe they'll be interested in joining our team!! Let's go!! ' he cheerfully let out grabbing onto the two of them teleporting them back to the same spot they were in beside the cottage.
This time unfortunately, Hoseok didn't have enough time to pull himself up gently as Taehyung pushed him onto the ground.
'what are you doing?! ' he grunted while pinned down.
'they found us!! ' was all that Taehyung said before Hoseok noticed the state the cottage was in.
Windows were bashed, the front door was broken down, the inside of the house was destroyed and they can still hear the screams of someone inside demanding to look around the house.
'Shit we have to hide' Hoseok speaks staring at the two beside him before the three run out deeper in the forest as fast as they could. They only stopped when a safe distance was between them and the house and were sure no one notice them and followed.
'you think they took the others? ' Taehyung asked worried.
'I'll look' Woozzi vanished for a blink of an eye before reappearing and shaking his head. 'no they didn't. They're far from here driving away'
'how can you be sure it's them? '
'I know SeokJin's van' Woozzi answers nonchalantly to Hoseok's question earning a quizzical look that he either didn't notice or decided to ignore. 'I can't get you in. It's too dark. But I can get them to see you and stop' non waiting for their reply or explaining more, Woozzi grabs them by the arm.

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