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'you sure you're alright? ' Jin asked for the ninth time in the last fifteen minute. He was still suspicious of yoongi's condition even though he claimed to be alright.

The guy seemed normal when he nonchalantly walked into the front yard where the rest of them were working on laying security cameras and asked what everyone was doing.

'we've installed security cameras all over the house and even in the woods around. For the time being we'll stay here and hide' Jin briefed him in reassuring him they'll be alright.

'SeokJin, I need you here' Namjoon walked out of the house calling Jin who hurried to his side following him inside the house while Yoongi glared at Namjoon. He was not able to bring himself to trust the guy.

'is it safe? ' he heard Hoseok hesitantly ask and he raised his eyebrow confused.

'you're not gonna flame up again, are you? ' Hoseok clarified taking cautious steps towards him.

'who knows, why don't you test your luck' Hoseok smiled then and stood beside him confidently.

'if it's luck then I'm not worried' he said grinning making Yoongi chuckle. They stood in silence watching as everyone finished their work and walked in the house.

'are you alright now? ' Yoongi only nodded, still not looking at Hoseok.

'aren't you scared, you're the only one here with no actual power to defend yourself. ' Yoongi said finally facing him, annoyed by his cheerfulness and complete trust in his luck.

'I'm lucky, so I'm sure nothing harmful will ever happen to me'

'you were shot'

'in the arm, nothing serious' Hoseok shrugged 'besides, I have Namjoon and you guys now'

'what makes you think we care about you enough to risk our lives? I personally don't even consider you supernatural. Luck? What bullshit. You're just a brat who's been playing it on the safe side all his life. If anything, you might be the human with the least luck in the world to be stuck in this situation. Face it kid, you're just normal with a desperate need to feel special.' Yoongi said while Hoseok listened in disbelief and when he didn't reply Yoongi turned and walked back into the house leaving him alone.

Back in the house, after everyone rested and cleaned themselves up, they gathered in the living room to decide their actions from now on making sure everyone saw eye to eye to the need of staying in hiding and preparing themselves for the worst. Jin promised to make some calls to people he met during his time in the facility in order to get a better idea of what happened. The others decided to continue their practices and taking turns in keeping watch.

Throughout the meeting, Namjoon couldn't ignore the negative aura coming from his usually cheerful friend. He easily found out what Yoongi spoke to him and was enraged by finding the guy had no remorse for what he said, not even sparing a thought of the effect of his words.

'Joonie' he was brought back from his thoughts by Jin's hand on his shoulder. He looked up at the guy thinking how easy it was to make their relationship go from basic to what it was now wondering if he should do the same to make Yoongi like Hoseok. Thinking about it, it wasn't that he couldn't, it's that he wouldn't. The thought of his best friend with a guy as selfish and out of control as Yoongi outraged him. If he was to decided from this small bunch of people who to match him with, he would go for someone as good nature and cheerful as Hoseok. Someone who was simple minded and wouldn't think twice about risking his life to save him. Someone who noticed Hoseok's sad atmosphere and was trying goofly to cheer him on. Namjoon thought while looking at Taehyung pulling on Hoseok's arm and dragging him to the living room to join him and jungkook in an Xbox game.

He knew Taehyung's intentions were innocent, but all it needed him is a simple thought implant to make that motive change into something deeper, something that Hoseok needed. 

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