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- A group name

- Publicity

- A way to find people to help

Such were the points the group agreed to sleep on and brainstorm the next day. The moment Namjoon said that, another urgent point was added, and that is:

Where to sleep?

Yoongi's apartment was vast but only had one furnished bedrrom. all other rooms were empty. not a single fourniture apart from a lonely couch and a library fulll of books in the living area. Even the kitchen didn't have a stove, all he had was a microwave and a fridge filled with frozen food and beer.

By the time they realised this, it was so late at night to go out and buy covers. So they had to spend the night in empty cold rooms while Yoongi locked himself in his bedroom refusing Jungkook's pleads of sleeping together to share warmth.


'Let's start?' Jin said when everyone were present in the living area, Taehyung, Jin, Jungkook and Jimin sharing the couch while Yoongi and Hoseok sat on the floor and Namjoon stood infront of them with last night's To do list in his hand.

Namjoon took a deep sigh avoiding looking at Taehyung as to not be reminded of last night's events.

Starting from the group name, most ideas came from Taehyung and Jungkook.

Supernatural, Xmen, Suicide Squad and many unoriginal names were suggested before Taehyung snaped his fingers and annouced excitedly

'BTS!! haven't we already decided to make it our name?!'

'I guess we can keep it, unless of course someone has another suggestion, any suggestion' Namjoon said pleeding with his eyes but gave up when no one reacted. 'Alright then, BTS it is. now on to the important stuff, How are we to make people know us'

'Let's start a website, with all our pictures in it, let's make videos showing our powers so they believe us and people can ask our help by sending a mail!' Namjoon sighed again at Taehyung's suggestion.

'Tae we're not an idol group'

'No he actually has a point, I vote for it' Yoongi said

'me too, though i think a Youtube channel would be better.' Jungkook suggested and the others agreed

'ok, if you all agree on it then I do too. So now we need to film videos of us using our powers?' Namjoon asked

'It doesn't have to be all of us, just those with visible powers can do it anyway' Jungkook said and everyone looked at Yoongi

'Why are you looking at only me? Spoon bender and Jin can do it too'

'well I can do it too I don't mind' Jin said looking at Namjoon waiting for his reply

'Sure why not, Jungkook would you like to take care of filming and managing the account?' Jungkook agreed right away excited.

'I guess this is all then. now we need to vote for a leader then go buy stuff so we can be able to live in this cave' Namjoon said and everyone looked at him confused. 'what?' He asked tempted to read their minds.

'aren't you the leader? I thought it was obvious' Taehyung said and the other nodded.

'what? no.'

'alright, let's vote. Who's for Namjoon being the leader raise your hand' Yoongi asked raising his hand.

the others followed suit and hurried to leave leaving a confused Namjoon standing alone. Instead of being chosen due to their trust and love, it felt they dumped the least favorite job to him.

'I'm off to the supermarket' Yoongi announced and Hoseok hurried to the front door.

'I'll come along, you'll need help' Yoongi silently walked out of the house not objecting when Hoseok followed him.


'Are you ok now?' Hoseok asked as Yoongi grabbed pillows and threw them in the shopping cart the other was pushing only nodding as a reply.

'Do you want to talk about it?' Yoongi shook his head.

Yoongi wasn't facing Hoseok when the latter reached to his hand and stopped him from walking away.

'Can't you even look at me? am I that disgusting?' he let go of his hand before saying what he had spent the whole previous night preparing 'I'm sorry. You were probably just joking and I got ahead of myself and forced you into doing something you hated. I don't even remember everything that happened but I'm really sorry.'

Staring at the other guy's hurted expression, Yoongi couldn't help but feel guilty for letting him believe he was at fault. He knew he was the one who came on to him. Yoongi knew of Hoseok's feelings towards him and he trusted the boy would've never accted on them if Yoongi hadn't intitiated it. But he also felt conflicted since he couldn't admit the real reason why he did what he did in the restroom, he promised Namjoon not to burden Hoseok with his own secret that he wasn't even aware of.

taking a deep breath, he knew what he was about to say would cause him so much trouble in the future but still couldn't let things the way they are.

'You didn't force me and it wasn't a joke. I take responsability of my own actions'

'oh, then.. you're not mad at me? You don't hate me?' Hoseok asked still not believing a word Yoongi was saying.

'Forget it, let's just get the stuff and leave' Hoseok went back to pouting before he felt Yoongi's hand grab his and lead him to a different aisle. Hoseok suffered to push the cart with only one hand but wasn't planning for any reason to take his hand out of Yoongi's.

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