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Bree soon appeared surprised by the intense heat in the apartment. Jimin and Yoongi awkwardly tried to think of a justification as the girl stared at the three standing in the bathroom but Namjoon casually explained to her what Yoongi was doing. To the other two's surprise, she didn't question it. 

'Oh well,  you sure got yourself in a serious situation didn't you' Bree walked out of the restroom to the living area to open the window and stand by it for some cool air. Namjoon and Jimin followed her leaving Yoongi alone with sleepy Hoseok though he was able to listen on their conversation. 

'Few days after you disappeared some creepy looking men came asking about you. They claimed to be working with the police and as they explained to everyone, you guys are wanted as a threat to national security ' she filled him on what happened while taking out a cigarette and lighting it up. 'You got yourself in some deep shit Joonie, not even I can help you out of it' 

Namjoon sat on the couch feeling helpless, if the people looking for them are indeed with the government and had labelled them all national threats, they had no chance of ever getting their normal life back. He needed to find a way to get him and Hoseok out of that mess. That idea only made him more restless as he didn't even know what was wrong with Hoseok and why he wasn't waking up. 

He took a deep breath before letting Bree know about Hoseok's condition. 

'So our lady luck became a sleeping beauty' she joked as she couldn't come up with a better reply. Before anyone had the chance to say something, a bright light flashed before Woozi appeared with the rest of the guys in the middle of the living area. 

'Your friends? ' Bree asked after getting over her surprise over the sudden appearance. Namjoon hurriedly did the introductions before glaring at Woozi and asking what took him so long. 

'We... Run into a little situation. But it's fine, everything's fine, we took care of it' he reassured Namjoon before the boy would start scolding him. 

'Well, you boys make yourself at home. Joonie I'll be in the shop if you need me' Bree gave him a small peck on the cheek before walking out of the house. 

'Your friend? ' Taehyung asked and Namjoon told them what she had said about the men that came looking for him and Hoseok warning them that they must've gone looking for everyone too. 

'So now we're all wanted criminals?' Jin asked unable to believe it. 'What about Hoseok then? We can't just stay here! Do you really trust that friend too? ' 

'Don't worry about Bree, she's not what you call normal either' Namjoon reassured them. 

'So, does any of you beautiful minds have a theory yet about what exactly is going on? And preferably a good plan' Yoongi called out from the bathroom. 

'I do' Jin said getting everyone's attention 'I was starting to have my doubts about the program ever since I joined. I was only joined because they somehow managed to get their hands on all my research data and refused to give it back fully. So while I was pulling strings to find all copies I stumbles upon some weird stuff that made no sense back then. 

As I explained before, the facility we were in was but a mere branch in a worldwide chain to find and gather people who showed unnatural genes. They claimed to offer help to those people in order to control and come at ease with their abilities. What I found though shows that they were gathering samples from those people. Also there were many files marked as exterminated. I first had no idea what it meant, assuming they were just people who left the program, I didn't give it much thought. But I've been gathering the dots lately and, what if they were getting rid of those whom they had no need for. What if they had no intention in helping us and were only interested in gathering samples from all our powers? ' 

'So, the people who came after us are the organization itself? ' Namjoon asked thinking hard. 

'Exactly, that explains how they easily found us after I called them for help in the cabine' 

Everyone sat in silence thinking about what Jin came up with and not saying anything to object to it as it all made sense. 

'And the plan? Anyone? ' Yoongi called out and Namjoon stood up from the couch to walk to the bathroom door where Yoongi was still holding tightly onto Hoseok. 

'Whatever they are planning to do with the samples they gathered I got a strong feeling they won't be able to do it unless they got rid of every single one of us. They want us all dead. So I say we find those motherfuckers and kick some butts' 

And hoseok cursed to sleep for the rest of eternity waiting for a kiss from his true love remained a cold body until Yoongi came to his senses, realizing the effect of Hoseok's absence only meant how strong his feelings for him are and leaned in approaching his lips to the other's cold ones. As the cold breath leaving the sleeping man's lips hit his, their lips collided in a soft chilling kiss. Yoongi, with his heart beating fast, opened his eyes to find the man had turned into a FROG!!!! 

Aaaaaaaaaaaalright that's enough Disney movies for me. 


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