Party -1-

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By the time Woozi arrived to the hospital at sunrise, Yoongi, Jimin, Namjoon and Hoseok were standing in the parking lot in silence. The news of Jungkook's disappearance taken over their thoughts.

The others had spent the night at a cheap hotel not daring to get back to BamBam's house in fear of being easily found. Even though having spent that night brainstorming ideas to find Jungkook, they all were disagreed on seeing how reckless and suicidal they were with no certain results.

Luckily, that night of silence was all Namjoon needed to sort out his thoughts and come up with a good plan driven from what little he managed to snoop up from Eli's brain as he lost consciousness under his attack.

Two words were the only clue he had stuck in his thoughts when he woke up in the hospital, and he wasn't sure what it all meant at first.

'Everyone's and 'Party'

Alongside with random words and numbers, stuff he doubted had nothing to do with what would help them find Jungkook. But during the calm night, he was able to clear his mind and sort out his thoughts to finally realize what had appeared to be random was actually a date and address Eli had been so worried about he couldn't control his brain not to think about it all the time.

'a donation party' everyone exchanged confused looks as Namjoon sat them down and told them what had been on his mind.

'so among all this mess they're having a Tea Party? ' BamBam asked annoyed.

'is this even anything for then to worry about? A bunch of idiots running around without any purpose? They're sure there's nothing we can do and they'll eventually catch us' Namjoon was so calm making BamBam get more frustrated.

'now you're on their side?! Is this your idea of help? If not for you butting in I would've gotten what I wanted yesterday! '

'if not for us you would've been dead by now' Yoongi mumbled not wanting to get involved in the upcoming fight between the two but also not being able to keep his words to himself earning an angry look from BamBam who was stopped from replying by Woozi.

'this is not the time for this! We have to find Jungkook and save him before they hurt him. We've already wasted a whole night, who knows what happened to him by now!'

'I do have a plan. One that'll help us get all the informations we need to find Jungkook and who's behind this whole thing' Namjoon said getting everyone's attention and by the time he finished explaining his plan the atmosphere had changed. Hope seemed to get back to everyone and their faces lit up with excitement.


Everyone stood up together waiting for Woozi to get back. Namjoon has planted the place's address in his brain for him to be able to teleport to but still Woozi insisted on going there alone to make sure he wouldn't get them teleported in a crowded area.

'is it too tight? ' Jimin worriedly asked as he saw Hoseok loosen up his tie.

'not at all, I'm just not used to wearing a suit' Jimin nodded at his reply and decided not to press him more. He looked around as everyone was dressed in the fancy suits he purchased for them using the money his got from his old housekeeper when they've seen her.

Everyone was doing whatever to kill time in the small hotel room as they waited.

He, Yoongi and Hoseok were sitting in the living room area silently watching Namjoon try to help Taehyung tie his tie while SeokJin was in a corner tending to the small neglected single plan in the room as BamBam took over the restroom to escape the crowded room.

'you guys ready? ' Woozi asked as soon as he appeared in front of them.

'you found a good place? ' BamBam came out as soon as he heard his voice.

'yes, and the party's already started so we have to make a move'

Everyone moved to hold hands in a circle as they've agreed to teleport at once. Taking a deep breath, they all closed eyes getting ready for what's coming.


A. N: hello everyone!! I'm sorry for not updating regularly, to be honest I was too lazy to do so T-T as a token of appreciation for your long wait and lovely comments and votes, I'm going to finally smut things up a little :)

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