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Namjoon didn't like how things were going. BamBam had made them stay hidden as he stood in the middle of a deserted park waiting for that Eli guy.

'Am I the only one thinking this is such a bad idea?' Taehyung said breaking the silence.

'I agree, he's like a sitting duck out there and that guy is already late' Jin joined in his concern.

'Don't worry, if more than one person tried to creep up on him he'll be able to sense their minds, BamBam's a mind reader'

'Like Namjoon?' Taehyung excitedly asked pushing Namjoon's shoulder playfully.

'Not exactly, all that BamBam can do is read minds' they nodded and silently went back to watching BamBam standing alone obviously getting impatient as he stomped on the floor.

'I think we were stood up' just as Namjoon said that Jungkook's head shot up, eyes widening as he looked at the sky before standing up and screaming for BamBam to get away.

'What are you doing?!' Yoongi scolded him pulling him back down to hide.

'It's an ambush!' Was all that Jungkook managed to say before a spacecraft appeared and a bunch of people dressed in similar clothes as those who attacked them in the facility jumped down from it surrounding BamBam.

'Don't move' they heard a warning voice say behind and turned to find similar people standing behind them with weapons aimed ready to shoot. They were forced to stand up and walk to where BamBam was.

'How the hell did they manage to creep up on us' Namjoon sent his thought to everyone getting a response from Jungkook.

'I was being careful, they must've used some kind of a trick to hide their brainwaves. I'm sorry guys'

'Alright, they're normal so we have the advantage. Jungkook, get your barrier ready, as soon as we reach BamBam surround us with it. SeokJin, keep them in place using the same trick you used before. Yoongi and I will take care of the weapons. Taehyung, you do what you can do to help too. Hoseok, you, Jimin, woozi and BamBam stay in the middle'

'We can help!' Hoseok and Woozi mentally screamed at once as everyone approved the plan.

'Woozi, it'll be dangerous for you since you'll have to get out of the barrier to do anything, and Hoseok you're still recovering so just stay still'

As soon as they reached BamBam they started their plan.

Jungkook successfully completed the barrier in time to dodge the bullets coming after Jin wrapped roots around their feets. Namjoon mentally made guns fly out of their grips as Yoongi sent flames towards them.

As they thought everything was going according to plan three additional people jumped from the spacecraft still floating above them. These people were different, they had no weapons and just casually stood in the midst of the chaos. SeokJin watched as the hand of one of them turned into an axe and easily cut through the roots holding his feet.

'What the heck! I didn't know someone can do that!' Namjoon exclaimed now that the only people standing were them and the three masked men whom were obviously not normal.

'BamBam, I thought we agreed for you to come alone. But I have to thank you, you saved us a lot of time bringing them along' a masked guy said.

'Eli?' Woozi questioned.

'Oh, hi there, sorry for not taking this off. I like to keep my thoughts for myself' he said tapping on the helmet.

'Are we gonna do this or we should have a tea party for you to chat?' A feminine voice said indicating the axe person was a girl.

'Don't take this in a personal way boys, it's just business' Eli said before nodding to the other two.

The axe girl charged towards them with both her hand transformed.

'Get back, she can't get inside the barrier!' Namjoon pointed out.

Eli raised a hand and a wave of electricity hit the invisible barrier making Jungkook scream in shock and disperses it leaving them unprotected.

Realizing that, everyone jumped away from the axe girl and SeokJin managed to wrap her whole body in roots.

'Somebody do something! I can't hold her long!'

'She's a girl! Is it OK to hurt a girl?' Taehyung asked confused.

'Fuck that, I ain't dying today' Yoongi grunted as he engulfed her in the hottest flames he could manage. Her  screams filled their ears as she burned alive, staring terrified at yoongi who didn't hesitate nor show any reaction.

They were forced to snap out of their shock as Eli screamed for the other masked guy to move.

The area was gradually filled with mist until it was impossible for anyone to see around him.

'This can't be good, Woozi get us out of here!' Namjoon screamed

'I can't see you guys!' He responded and Namjoon cursed under his breath knowing he can't do anything to help as his mental powers were useless. Trying to come up with a plan, he listened as the screams of the Axe girl stopped and a silence filled the place.

'Alright guys, I want you to run. Run in whatever Direction and don't stop until you get out of the mist then look for Woozi. Woozi get everyone as far as you can.' Namjoon mentally instructed earning various replies from everyone but Jungkook.

'Jungkook? Jungkook!!?' He heard Jimin call out for him and freak out when he didn't receive any reply.

'I'll get him!' As soon as Namjoon said that, he found himself face to face with whom he assumed was Eli.

Eli put a hand on Namjoon's shoulder forcing an electric shock upon him. Knowing if Hoseok heard him scream he'll attempt to find him, he held it in and used all his strength to reach for his helmet and take it off.

The helmet came off moments before Namjoon lost his consciousness.

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