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Namjoon's plan was a success; the video went viral and the cops couldn't interfere or act upon the appearance of their so long searched fugitive.

People weren't believing that they really had superpowers; throwing it all to special effects. But as humans are, there are always that small group who believed them and welcomed them with warm hearts, mailing them any sort of missions and get hidden videos of them showing their true powers. Even the small tree branch Jin willed to lean down in order for them to get the lost cat hidden on it was enough to proof their official videos weren't fake at all and given the public what they needed to settle their doubts and start treating them as saviours.

The group of seven guys were kept very busy after that, it seemed like people completely stopped going to the cops for their cases and brought them to BTS.

No matter how small a plea came simultaneously with an important and dangerous one, they always had at least one of them take care of the less dangerous one.

Among the new chaotic open life, day by day, Yoongi didn't fail to notice how his apartment turned into a loud dorm full of energetic guys. His kitchen was filled with an appetizing smell many times a day, his fridge full of real food instead of instant ramen cups, the empty large room he previously kept locked for no purpose to use is now full of two bunk beds, a desk and a large dresser that was ignored by Namjoon and Jungkook whom insisted to ignore Jin's orders to stop throwing their clothes on the floor and chairs.

The most important thing Yoongi found hard to believe is how his waterbed was replaced by a king sized normal one, his dresser no longer had only his own clothes, his room's door wasn't locked all the time and how his nightmares completely stopped with Hoseok sharing his bed every night.

Weeks pass and Yoongi was still fighting the urge to break his promise to Namjoon and answer Hoseok's repeated question of why he had no recollection of many minutes every once in a while.

Those minutes started happening more often coming to a daily rhythm and yet Namjoon was still insisting on facing him. But when it started interfering during their missions, Yoongi had it.

Their mission was a now common one, a woman was attacked in a dark alley by a group of three guys; they stole her money before raping her and leaving her in the cold to die.

But she didn't die, and as soon as she woke up in the hospital she told the police of what happened giving a detailed description of all the guys that it was impossible to not identify them. a whole week later, the police had no development of the case, so she turned to BTS.

Jin, responsible of investigating similar cases, didn't have to look into it for more than an hour to find out the group of three were a well-known trouble makers in the same area they attacked the woman. The group were taking pride in their doing and how they were members of a gang that was paying the police to cover for them.

And so their mission of taking hold of the three was put into place.

It was half after midnight and Jimin, acting as a pray, strolled the street the three were spotted on.

"Jimin, you're walking towards them, do your best" Namjoon's voice spoke to him telepathically as the three came into Jimin's field of vision and they spotted him too. It was hard not to with his head in a long dark wig, his body squeezed in a tight red short dress threatening to show his privates and expose him.

"I really hate you guys, why am I always the one doing this" Jimin complained knowing already the reply he was going to receive.

"come on Jimin it's for the mission, now focus" Namjoon said and Jimin realise the three are now following him. He took a deep breath before heading towards the alley where the others are waiting to ambush them, give them a few kicks before wrapping them up and throwing them in the police station with their usual note indicating that the job was done by BTS.

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