Some action

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The child was joined by the hip to Jin. She became his shadow. Jin spoke at times of a joke she said or a story she counted, but never had anyone heard her voice during the three days they spent at Jungkook's residence or the following week on the bus.
Teasing Jin about it being only in his mind had become the group's favorite past time. When they're not teasing him, theyre either sitting in silence or discussing their still undecided next move.
'we're not as weak as before, we know now what we're fighting' Jungkook defended.
'are we really? And just knowing does us no good. If we go head on, chances are we'll all die' Namjoon explained.
The bus went back to silence with the conversation hitting its usual ending.
'we need to stop' Jin said as the fuel signal blinked.
The bus pushed its way to a gas station on the side of the road. The group took this chance to walk around and stretch their legs.
'can you believe this? What as asshole ' Jungkook spat out to jimin as the two walked their way to a restroom.
'he actually has a point. Don't get me wrong I want to destroy them as much as you do, we all do, but we have to be smart about it' Jimin explained as Jungkook glared at him.
'smart? Living like this is smart? We're hiding like rats! This is making me so angry. I hate him at times like these'
'well, do you....want to do something? ' Jimin hesitantly suggested as they walked into the empty restroom.
Jungkook eyed him carefully, noticing the blush on jimin's cheeks, his fingers fidgeting around the buttons of his jacket and his tongue subconsciously wetting his dryer lips.
'yeah, I wouldn't mind'
Jimin took a step to get closer to Jungkook, hesitation apparent in his actions, worried the other would not enjoy him taking the first action. Jungkook on the other hand was not minding this new side of Jimin.
The way things were between them, Jungkook would approach jimin when he'd get too frustrated to deal with the public display of affection of Taehyung and Namjoon. Jimin would resist at first, try to convince Jungkook that wasn't the healthiest way to deal with things, but eventually give in to the youngest's touches.
'something happened? ' Jungkook asked studying the hesitation in jimin's eyes.
'seriously? ' Jimin replied sarcastically and Jungkook nodded smiling at the silliness of his own question. His hand was reached to the side of jimin's face, ready to place his lips on his when the door flew open and the two looked away from one another doing their best to fake to the newcomer what they were doing.
'guys, we have a problem' taehyung announced out of breath to the two.
The two exchanged a worried look before following taehyung to the bus.
Jungkook could sense something was wrong, even with the crowd in the rest station, the signals he was receiving were too many and too organized to be of mere pedestrians. His suspicion was confirmed soon, as soon as his foot reached the step of the bus, three black vans pulled into the station, successfully blocking their way out.
'what happened?! ' Jungkook screamed to the chaotic group on the bus.
'someone must've called'
'well no shit Sherlock!! ' Yoongi said to Taehyung's reply receiving a glare from him and Namjoon.
'doesn't matter, we're stuck' Namjoon said watching as armed soldiers surrounded the bus.
'fight? ' Hoseok suggested.
Namjoon took a moment to study the situation before giving instructions that were likely to cause them to die.
The group was outnumbered, he couldn't read into the soldier's mind to find their command or what their next action would be. They were caught by surprise and had a child on the bus that they couldn't leave alone.
Namjoon looked at the child to tell her to hide under a chair expecting to see her shivering body, instead, she was calmly playing with Jin's fingers as the tall man stared worriedly out the window.
'I can set them on fire, that'll buy us time' Yoongi suggested already flames blazing from his hands.
'no, too many pedestrians. We don't want to hurt anyone' Namjoon explained.
'we don't have time, if we don't act now, they'll do! ' Jungkook yelled in frustration.
'no, they're waiting for something ' Jin said thinking hard of a solution.
'or someone. Whoever that is, we need to get past them. If they won't attack first then that's good, it means they don't have what it takes to uphold us. Do what you can to make way, Jin drive as fast as you can. Do not go overboard, we just need to make way to the bus' Namjoon instructed and they moved to do as told, some of them more reluctant than others.
Hoseok pulled the child away from Jin and sat her on the floor between chairs in the middle of the bus, away from risk of getting shot.
Jin started the engine roots coming from the ground to pull the two vans blocking their way while Jungkook, Taehyung and Yoongi worked on getting rid of the human wall.
Jungkook and Taehyung realized instantly that their powers were useless as the helmets blocked all mental powers. The only one doing any damage was Yoongi, and he was finding it difficult with the bullets aiming at him as he pushed his body out the door to throw flames. Thinking his flames would burn all bullets before reaching him, he was proven wrong as a shot hit his shoulder throwing him back inside the bus.
Hoseok hurried to help him sit and examine how serious his injury was.
'are you OK?!! What should we do now?! ' Hoseok screamed out in a panic looking back at Namjoon.
'we need to hurry, I don't wanna run them over' Jin said gripping the wheel.
The bus shook as it elevated from the ground. An aircraft had taken hold of the bus and is moving it to the sky.
'we're screwed ' Jungkook cursed realising if they tried to cut the ties they'll crash to their end.
'at least something exciting is happening' Yoongi said forcing a smile through the pain.
'he's loosing too much blood' Hoseok pointed out worriedly.
'let me see' Jin examined Yoongi's shoulder before standing up and moving to take the first aid kit from under the dashboard 'the bullet is stuck in his shoulder bone'
'can you take it out? ' Hoseok urged him.
'I can if I had my intensive care kit that I keep in the bag carrier'

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22k!!!!! Wow thank you so much!!! Also this fanfic is now #1 on the VMon tag!!!!!!!!!

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