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If you're reading this, congratulations you had won a once in a lifetime chance to be yourself.

No matter what your color, gender, age, religion, sexuality are, just know that you're not perfect, and there's nothing wrong with that.

We all hear perfect this, perfect that. But what is perfect?

Perfect by definition is to be completely free from faults and defects, to be as good as it is possible to be.

Perfect takes away all your flaws and struggles, the things that made you who you are right now.

Embrace your flaws, be proud of the cracks in your skin. They're proof you've had a hard life and you wanted to earn your stay in this world.

You're not perfect, and you don't have to be.

You're enough the way you are.

I pray you all find your happy place on earth, to achieve inner peace and love yourself for who you are.

Life is too short to be living in someone else's dream.

Love yourself, and love other people.

Always try to walk a mile in someone else's shoes before you try to judge them. Treat people how you want to be treated. Only by this, everyone can love themselves and we can contribute in ending Violence.

#EndViolence #LoveMyself #LoveYourself

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone here taking from their precious time to read my fanfic. I really love you all and your comments, though as silly as they might be, are at times the only reason I hold on.

I know loving yourself is the hardest thing to do especially when you are surrounded by hatred and negativity all the time. So let's all try to be the ray of sunshine in our surroundings, let's be the hope to others until he can all proudly say:

I survived, BTS helped me survive, and I made them proud by helping other people survive.

I may not have the words to heal your wounds, but I have an open mind and a heart ready to brace anyone who's in need of someone to listen.

I love you all.

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