War 1

382 17 1

"what are you thinking?" Jin asked Namjoon as the two sat in a waiting room.
The fancy room was void from all unnecessary furniture, a secretary sat to a tiny desk tapping non stop on the keyboard, his eyes glued to the computer screen ignoring Jin and Namjoon on the orphan couch at the other side of the large white room.

"what were you thinking?!" Namjoon scolded Jin 

"I had no choice! they took the little girl!! and they have my research! what's your excuse?" Jin glared at him

"i have to stop this, once and for all" Namjoon said calmly

the secretary stopped typing abruptly, stood up and moved to a door on his left, opened it and stared at Namjoon and Jin.

"I guess he wants us in?" Jin suggested and the two stood up and walked to the opened door.

they gave him a quizzical look before walking inside the new room. The door closed gently behind them without any words said.

"welcome, I can't say it's nice to see you again" the two looked ahead to see the man in a grey suit who got them in this situation to begin with.

"I'm not surprised" Jin let out and Namjoon gave a disappointed look at the man sitting to a fancy desk.

"please, take a seat" they moved in sync to the two chairs by the desk he gestured them to.

"I have to admit, I didn't expect you to make it this far, what's with the interesting combination of people in your group. but nonetheless, I'm happy you two came to your senses eventually" the man waited for a moment before clapping his hands and adding "now let's get to the important matters"

on an empty wall projected a large screen showing live footage from similar rooms with different people in them.

"in this building, we keep subjects whom proved to have significantly major powers, powers that we can't just dispose of. we train them, teach them how to accept it, and most of all, we help them get rid of their weaknesses. After that, they can be ready to join our special forces. I believe you've already met some of them" the man lectured proudly.

Jin and Namjoon focused on the scared faces on the screen, people from all various ages were locked inside white windowless rooms, some screaming for attention, some crying, some curled up in a corner.

"and what do you want from us?" Jin finally asked taking his eyes from the screen.

"this is your destiny. all of you, the two of you just chose the easy way, while the rest of your group will go through the hardest way" The man smiled and the screen showed an empty room. Jin and Namjoon didn't pay it attention while the man yelled in furry at his secretary.

An explosion erupted somewhere in the building they were in making the three look around in confusion. the office's door flew open and the secretary stood there, no longer keeping his poker face.

"Sir, the captives have escaped and are in the engines room" he announced making the man stand in hurry and leave the office in hurry. Namjoon and Jin exchanged a look before following him.

At an intersection, the man went right while Jin went left making Namjoon grabbing his arm.

"where are you going?"

"I have to find her" Jin said "don't worry, you go get the others, we'll meet later" he pulled his arm from Namjoon's grip and ran.

Namjoon cursed under his breath before taking the right corridor. he stopped in his tracks paying more attention to a closed door before abruptly opening it and finding a seriously looking Jungkook facing a confused Jimin.

"What are you doing here? Where are the others?" Namjoon asked ignoring the obvious tension between the two. "Jimin!" Namjoon called out getting his attention.

"We left them locked in a room, we were looking for you and Jin"

"they're not there. You guys stay here until i come back! Don't move!!" Namjoon insisted before closing the door leaving the two back in the dark.

"should we trust him?" Jungkook asked

"i'm tired" Jimin said sitting on the ground and closing his eyes.

By the time Namjoon caught up to the man, Hoseok, Yoongi and Taehyung were already surrounded by six armed men, each three blocking a side hallway while the man and Namjoon approached them upfront.

"oh look who joined the party!!" Hoseok announced cheerfully and just on cue Namjoon realised what was wrong and gave Yoongi a questionable look receiving a shrug.

"don't worry, he's fiiiiine" Hoseok added pointing at his head winking.

'we have a clear vision on the target, permission to engage' one of the armed men spoke through his mask

"no! ! I need them alive" the man ordered and the men loosened their grip on the triggers.

"oh I am fluttered. I'd love to stay and chat but oh look at the time I have to be somewhere else" Hoseok said faking a surprised look while looking at his naked wrist.

A composed smile formed on Hoseok's lips as he stared at the man in front of him.


"are you gonna keep ignoring me?" Jungkook asked after a minute of Jimin sitting on the floor not moving.

"i'm not ignoring you" jimin mumbled

"are you better now?" jungkook squatted in front of him his face leaning towards his sleeping face.

"still tired. I told you i'm still not good at teleporting in the light"

Jungkook leaned forward planting a kiss on Jimin's forehead who flinched.

"don't, please"  jimin whispered shutting his eyes tighter.

"come on, it always helped you charge up faster" Jungkook said planting soft kisses from Jimin's forehead down to his lower lip going through the tip of his nose.

"Does the dark make it easier for you to envision him?" Jimin said opening his eyes making Jungkook stop and lean back just enough to look the other in the eyes.

"Jimin" Jungkook spoke his name and the boy waited nervously for what he had to add. Instead, Jungkook kissed his lips twice, spoke his name again only to kiss him again. He repeated that action for many minutes, at times calling his full name. By the time he pulled away and didn't kiss him again, Jimin was out of breath, his hands on each of Jungkook's cheeks while Jungkook's hands gripped on Jimin's waist.

"park Jimin" Jungkook spoke slowly, enunciating every syllable looking him in the eyes through the dark room.

Jimin sucked in a breath before pulling Jungkook back to him.

Their tongues intertwined as their hands aggressively roamed each other's body. Jimin pulled himself on Jungkook's waist as the other sat his back to the wall still calling Jimin's name in the small breathing windows with encouragements to grind harder, to not stop and to take him.

Jimin gave Jungkook's lips one last bite before kissing the side of his neck, his hands stroking the front of his pants making Jungkook moan his name louder. He wasted no time in unzipping both their pants and putting Jungkook's member inside of him.

Jungkook's hand held Jimin's dick stroking faster as Jimin's breathing got shallower and he could feel his own climax creeping. It took a minute after Jimin felt Jungkook's warm cum fill him to cum too with a loud groan scratching Jungkook's neck.

"I hate you" Jimin mumbled still out of breath, his head resting on Jungkook's shoulder.

"yeah it was great for me too, thanks" Jungkook answered faking hurt. "can you stand?" he added after a moment in a caring voice.

All Jimin could manage is a nod before he stood and Jungkook followed. Jungkook opened his mouth to say something but Jimin was already opening the door and running to where Namjoon and the others were.

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