Chapter 38

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'how are you feeling? ' Hoseok asked as he and Namjoon sat on a bench in the dark empty park they found near the hospital. 'want us to get any further? '

'no it's fine. I can finally hear my own thoughts ' Hoseok worriedly watched Namjoon as he rubbed the back of his neck wincing. 'I wonder if this is how phones feel when you overcharge them. That is, of course, if they could feel'

'what do you feel? '

'nothing much to be honest, just a tingling sensation in the back of my head. You don't have to worry' Namjoon sat up smiling at Hoseok who was still watching him carefully with a worried look on his face. 'you know, you didn't have to make your boyfriend stay behind, he could've come along. Woozi won't be able to come here until morning anyway'

Hoseok stayed silent ignoring Namjoon's attempt at making a joke looking at him.

'why aren't you saying anything? ' Hoseok finally asked eyeing Namjoon weirdly.

'I did, I told you Woozi won't be coming... '

'you can't hear me? ' Hoseok cut him off earning a confused look from Namjoon. 'my thoughts' Hoseok clarified.

'oh, that. It's not that I can't but I don't have the energy for it.' Namjoon nonchalantly laid down on the bench placing his head on Hoseok's tights and closing his eyes.

The two sat in silence surrounded by the darkness of the night listening to their breathing sounds.

The situation almost making them forget all the trouble they were in. Hoseok starting thinking of what would they be normally doing at such a time, probably clubbing or just chilling in their dorm room talking about some random video Hoseok stumbled upon on the internet or a book Namjoon read.

Never had he imagined such a day where they were literally running for their lives, hunted by people who weren't joking about killing them. A day where watching people burn to death would not be worth mentioning.

'she would've killed us if he didn't do it' Namjoon said calmly.

'I thought you said you don't have energy to read my thoughts' Hoseok looked down at Namjoon who was facing him now.

'you looked worried. Besides, I'm not saying it was acceptable, but it had to be done'

'he didn't even hesitate. He burned two people alive and didn't even flinch. That can't be normal'

'none of us is. Besides, I thought you liked him. What happened? ' Namjoon crossed his arms smiling up at Hoseok with a raised eyebrow.

The smile went away as he watched Hoseok think deeply looking all worried. It was in times like these that he really wanted to read his friend's mind but stopped himself.

'what are you thinking? '

'I don't know anymore. I'm scared.'

Namjoon sat up abruptly facing Hoseok and holding his face in his hands to face him.

'look at me, I'll never let anything happen to you! Understand? I'll protect you no matter what'

'I know, that's what's scaring me the most. I'm scared something would happen and you'd end up seriously injured because of me, or even worse. I keep thinking that none of this would've happened if only had I listened to you'

'won't you change your mind if I told you your little matchstick is starting to warm up to you? ' Namjoon sigh dramatically choosing to not comment on Hoseok's first words knowing it'll lead nowhere.

'what? '

'I don't even have to be a mind reader to notice it. '

'wait up, I thought you hated him. Since when are you cool about him? ' Hoseok confusedly asked

'since never, I still think he's a short smug.'

'I don't understand you sometimes '

'let me rest, we're gonna need all our energy tomorrow.' Namjoon went back to lay on Hoseok's lap.

'why? What's gonna happen tomorrow? '

'we have a party to crush' he didn't offer any other explanations as he closed his eyes drifting to sleep ignoring Hoseok's questions.


'you sure you're ok? ' Jimin asked worried watching Yoongi lit up his fourth cigarette so far only receiving a nod as a reply.

'what about you? Don't you miss your home? '

Jimin's eyes widened as Yoongi's question caught him off guard.

'where did that come from? '

'don't you regret joining even after going back to your house? '

Jimin kept silent for a while, looking ahead and smiling to himself.

'I'm not going to lie and say I'm not scared of what might happen from now on. But there's no doubt in my mind I'd never replace this with my old life. With you guys I'm not just some freak, I'm useful. Well, I know I haven't been very useful so far but I'm working on improving my control over my powers, you guys won't have to worry about me being a heavy weight anymore'

'are you not scared of me? ' Yoongi asked turning his head to look at Jimin who grew more confused.

'what are you talking about? You're the person I trust the most in the whole group. And if we are to talk about whom I'm scared of is Namjoon.'

'he did something to you? ' Yoongi snapped making Jimin blink twice.

'well, no. But just the idea of someone being able to read my mind any time he wants without my consent or even me noticing is very unpleasant. I can't think how Hoseok is so calm about it. Maybe they've been friends for so long he managed to find a trick against it? Also... The way Namjoon is so hang up on Hoseok is starting to make me worry. '

'what do you mean? '

'whenever Hoseok was injured or in danger Namjoon lost his interest in everyone's safety. Like when he was in that coma, or even with your small misunderstanding in the car. Do you even think what his reaction would be if Hoseok got seriously injured? '

Yoongi took a deep sigh before replying.

'I'm more worried about what would Hoseok's reaction be if Namjoon was seriously injured' Yoongi took a drag from his cigarette as he remembered what happened to Hoseok when he saw Namjoon's immobile body. He ignored Jimin's inquiries as he made a mental note to keep an eye on Hoseok until he found out what was exactly going on with him.

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