4. Lets Talk

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Chapter Four

*Lets Talk*


Before they could say anything to me I heard the bell ring and got up as quickly as possible and ran to my next class. Thank god I didn't have them in my last two classes.

Before I knew it, it was already time to leave. I was the first one to leave the classroom, I had to leave before any of them saw me. I was so not ready to hear what they had to say. I ran as fast as I could to my car without even stopping at my locker to put my stuff away.

Next thing you know I'm laying on the parking lot floor.

"Nikki are you ok? What's the hurry?" Aideen said while helping me up and brushing my hair out of my face.

"Been better before and no, me in a hurry? Im not in a hurry..... Why do you ask?" I lied at the end I was in a hurry so I wouldn't have to talk to him or the girls.

"Nicole don't lie to me, I know you don't want to talk to me, Olivia or Mya."

Gosh, why did he have to know me so well?

I looked at him in the eyes. God how I loved his blue eyes. Aideen got closer to me and was only standing inches away from me.

"Aideen-" but before I could finish, Aideen cut me off by placing his finger on my lips. Putting his free hand around my waist and holding me tight pulling me in closer to him. Causing me to be able to feel his heartbeat. Thank god he was holding me or else I would probably be on the ground again.

"Nikki before you leave and move away I need to tell you something."

"Aideen wait... I have to tell you something too but not here."

"Where can we talk then?"

"My house, my parents don't get home until later today and David probably won't be home either."

Nodding his head, he pulled away slowly from me. Saying he will meet me at my house, I smiled and got into my car and drove away.


Pulling into my driveway, I glanced at my side mirror and saw Aideen's black Ford Mustang pull in behind me. I waited for him and then walked up to my front door.

I was nervous just thinking of what can happen right now.

Was I really sure about this?

Do I really want him to know how I truly feel about him?

As soon as we walked in, I was about to offer him something to drink, but before I could even ask him, he took my arm and pulled me to his side. I was shocked from his action that I didn't even think about pulling away from him. Having him this close felt so right.

"What was that for?" I asked looking at him in the eyes. It was silent for a while, so I decided to break the silence. "A-are you hungry or do you want anything to drink?"

Really Nikki?

I mentally slapped myself for saying something so stupid.

Aideen held me closer and said to me....

"No Nicole Dallas all I want and need is you."


Aww is Aideen romantic or what?

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