39. Feeling Like My Heart Is Split In Half

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Today I was going to hang out with Eric to work on the art project. Which was kinda just in excuse because Mya started getting ideas in my head.

"Hey where are you going?" my mom asked while walking into my room.

I had my head under my bed looking for my drawing notebook. "I'm going to the park." I said getting up after I reached for the notebook.

"Alone?" she raised an eyebrow at me.

"No.... With Eric. It's for the art project I got put with him."

"Okay. You look nice to just be going to the park."

"No I don't." I had on some skinny jeans with a purple shirt that showed a bit of my belly. "I'm going to go before you ask anymore."

"Alight. Hey how about you invite him over for dinner?"

"What? No way!" I said rushing down the stairs.

"Why not? It would be nice to finally get to know him. After all he's the one that got you back up after-"

"Mom! Seriously!"

"Okay sorry, sorry. Just come on Nicole have him over."

"If it will get you to stop asking me to then I will. Now if you excuse me I'm going to leave now. Bye!" I said walking out the door.

I texted Eric letting him know I was already on my way to the park. All he said was "Okay?"

Part of me thinks he's mad because of the way I left yesterday.


I was now at the park waiting for him to get here. He was 30 minutes late. He better have a good reason. He could have at least texted me or something.

I guess I'm going to have to call him.

"Eric, what the hell?" I said once he picked up.

"What did I do now?"

"You're late moron."

"Late for what?" he asked.

"Oh my gosh!!! Are you kidding me right now? I texted you letting you know I was on my way to the park already!"

"Okay??? Why do I care if you're at the park??" he sounded confused.

"Seriously?" I said getting up from the picnic table I was at and started putting my stuff away.

"Can you please explain to me why I should care if you're at the park?"

"The project genius!!!!" I said making my way to my car.

"Oh yeah.... I totally forgot about that.... give me 30 minuets and I'll be over there."

"No don't even bother coming anymore I'm leaving." I said hanging up on him. I turned on my car and drove away. Stupid Eric had me waiting for such a long time.

As I drove back home I thought about stopping at his house so he could give me an explanation. So I did as my brain told me and drove over to his house.

Once I got there I noticed there was a car I hadn't seen there before and wondered who's it was.

I made my way over to the front door and ringed the door bell. I hear someone making it's way over to it. I hope it's Gabby, it would be better to see her then her stupid brother.

Finally the door opened up to reveal Amy standing there with a smirk on her face.

My jaw dropped once I saw her. I felt the blood boil up inside of me. This is the reason why he didn't show up at the park?

Split in HalfWhere stories live. Discover now