15. This is All Beautiful

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Chapter Fifthteen

*This Is All Beautiful*


This morning when I woke up, I decided to just wear some shorts with a nice lose blouse that showed my bellybutton piercing. Even though I was going to wear something simple, I curled my hair and just put on some eyeliner and mascara. I grabbed my stuff and made my way downstairs. I was hoping to see David so we can talk about last night, but there was no signs of him around. He must be sleeping still.

When I walked into the kitchen I noticed a note on the kitchen counter. It was a note from my dad and mom.

"We had an emergency business trip. We added some money in your bank account for both of you. Stay out of trouble.We'll call ASAP -Love mom and dad

I really wasn't surprised by that, these type of things happen all the time. I grabbed an apple and munched on it will I waited for Aideen to get here for me.

When I was done with it I tossed it in the trashcan and jumped at the sound of my phone ringing.



"Hey Im outside now." he said.

"Ok I'll be out there in a bit." I said as I slipped my flip flops on and walked out of my house.

When I reached his car, I pulled the door open and sat down on the passenger seat.

"You look beautiful." Aideen said while I buckled my seat belt.

Looking up at him I gave him a thank you smile. "We should get going I don't want to be late." I told him breaking the silence.

We took off in complete silence. Why did he even want to pick me up if he wasn't going to talk to me. This silence was making the ride take longer then what it did when I drove by myself.

Wait a minute this isn't the way to school.

"Aideen where are we going?" I asked him not taking my eyes of him. "Aideen tell me now! Im being serious!"

"Nicole, calm down I'm taking you to a much better place then school."

"Well you could have at least told me...... Where are you taking me?" I said annoyed from all of this.

"Its a surprise, I cant tell you."

"Fine." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Don't be mad Nicole. I just wanted to give you a little surprise."

"Im not mad, its just that you should have made sure I was okay with skipping school first."

"Well if I would have told you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?' he said glancing at me.

After he said that I didn't eve bother to answer him and not to long later I felt my eyes begin to slowly shut on me.


"Nicole? Wake up princess." I heard somebody tell me.

"Wait, what happened?" I said opening my eyes to Aideen only inches away from my face.

"You fell asleep on the way here." He said placing his hands on the side of my face. Making me shiver by the feeling of our skin touching.

"Where are we?" I said taking his hand away from me. I couldn't let my guard down now. He backed away from me getting the hint.

When I got out of the car, I noticed we were surrounded by nature. There was trees all around us and in the middle there was a blanket with a nice picnic basket on top of it. It looked so beautiful.

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