23. Party!

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Chapter twenty three



Nicole's POV

"Aideen slow down!! Why are you being so weird?! Nobody is even here yet!" I said tugging on his hand as he dragged me to his front door.

"Nikki!! Please just don't ask questions and follow me." Aideen told me as he opened up his front door.

The house was completely dark no lights no nothing. I thought Olivia was already here? according to Aideen.

"I thought you said----" I was cut off by a bunch of people jumping out in front of me and screaming SURPRISE right in my face. Not going to lie I completely didn't see that one coming.

Wait a minute!! Why are they saying that to me?!?

I thought to myself as a looked at Aideen once the lights and music went on.

"Aideen what is this?!" I asked sending him a confused look.

"I wanted to have a little goodbye party for you, and I used graduation as an excuse so it could be a surprise for you!" He said pulling me in for a hug.

As he held me in the hug I looked around to see there was posters that said 'we'll miss you Nicole!' and a bunch more with pictures that had Mya, Olivia, Aideen and I all together.

"Aww!! You didn't have to do all of this for me Aideen!!" I said as he let go of me.

"I just wanted to do something special for you princess!" He said taking hold of both my hands in his. "I just wanted to show you how much you mean to me and that I would do anything to put a smile on your face."

Oh my god! I felt my eyes start to get watery as he said all of this to me. "Aideen I love you!" I said wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him.

Wait! did I just say I loved him? Holy Christmas nuts I did!!

Ending the kiss I looked down at the ground not knowing what to do after I just confessed to him that I love him. I was scared because what if he didn't say it back I was going to feel like an idiot. I should have just shut my mouth! He grabbed my face from my cheeks with both of his hands and lifted it so I could now be looking up at him.

"Nicole did you just say--"

"He bro!! Sick ass party you have going on here!!" a random guy said interrupting Aideen.

I was kinda happy he interrupted him because I was pretty sure I knew what he was going to ask and I was scared to answer.

"Thanks. Hey umm do you mind giving us a moment here!?!" Aideen said to the guy.

"Oh no don't worry I'm actually going to go get something to drink and look for Olivia." I said walking away and sending Aideen a quick smile.

Once I reached the kitchen I noticed some people were playing beer pong and getting totally waisted. I started looking around to try to find an unused cup for my drink, but ended up not finding any. Great! Since I had no luck finding a cup I walked out of the kitchen to try to find Olivia. "Hey Nikki! What do you think about the surprise did you like it?" I heard someone in back of me say.

Turning around to see it was just the person I was looking for. Olivia! "Thank god I found you!! well technically you found me but anyways that's not the point!!" I said taking her in for a quick hug. "But yes I did like the surprise thanks. Okay but this is still not the point of why I was looking for you!!" I said placing my hands on my face to cover my eyes.

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