47. Christmas & NewYears

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These past couple of days Eric has been trying to talk to me. As much as I just want to talk to him I can't.

Aideen is always at my house now. He acts like an angle when someone is around but then treats me like crap when we're alone.

At this moment, I'm in the corner of my room crying in the dark. I miss Eric so much.

"Hey Nicole, want to go..... what's wrong?" Mya said walking into my room and turning on the lights.

I quickly tried to clean the tears off my face. "Nothing, what's up?" I said standing up and giving her my back so she wouldn't see the mess I was.

"Why are you crying?" she turned me to face her.

"I just don't feel good... that's all."

"Want me to call Aideen so---"

"No! No, don't call him!!!" I said cutting her off. "Its just that.... he was just here and there's no need to bother him..." I said giving her a fake smile.

"Are you sure? because he told us to let him know when ever you're feeling bad." she said placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Im fine..... so why did you come look for me?" I asked changing the subject.

"Well considering it's Christmas tomorrow, I was wondering if you wanted to do some last minute shopping with me?"

"Yeah sure!" I said. I really needed to get out of the house.


"Do you think David would like this one?" Mya asked me, showing me a blue button up shirt.

"Yeah, it's nice!"

"Okay well I'm still going to keep looking."

I decided to look around myself too. I came across a necklace, It was cute and simple, not to girly. I couldn't help but think it would be perfect for Eric. If we were together.

"Wow that's really cute!" Mya said from behind me. "does it open up?"

"I'm not sure, let me try." I said as I grabbed it and opened it up. In the inside you could put in a picture and on the other side it said 'Thinking of you.'

"Are you getting it?" she asked.

"I don't know....." I said placing it back down.

"Oh come on! It's really nice, I'm sure Aideen will think it's really sweet." Mya said.

"Aideen?" I asked confused. "Oh yeah right!"

"Take it!!" she said.

"Okay!" I said. But if I was taking it it wasn't for Aideen. I'll keep it with me, so I can think of Eric.


The next morning it was finally Christmas. I wasn't too excited about it. To me it was just another day, nothing important to me this year.

"Nicole, Aideen is here!" my mom yelled from downstairs.

"I'll be down there in a minute!" I said as I say down on my bed.

"Now is making me wait for you the right way to greet me on Christmas?"

I turned my attention to where my door was to see Aideen standing there.

"I was.... I was going to go down there in a while." I said standing up.

"I don't like waiting." he said getting closer to me. He took me by the arms and pressed my body to his. I let out a small cry because of how hard he held me.

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