34. School

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. Yes, today is the first day of school.

It's 6 in the morning I have absolutely no hurry in getting ready. Just kidding! If I don't start getting ready right now, I'll probably be late.

I got in the shower quickly, shaved because I still wasn't sure what I was going to wear. Once I got out I matched my underwear and bra, both red because I just love red. I walked around my room with just that on making sure my door was locked.

What to wear? what to wear? I thought as I opened up my closet. Should I go for a dress or a high wasted skirt and a cropped shirt?

Ehh I think I'm going to go with the black high wasted skirt. For the cropped shirt I put on a pink neon one that was really cute. Oh and you can't forget to put some kind of short leggings under just in case anything happens.

I then towel dried my hair a bit so I could curl it from the ends or something. I went light on my makeup making it look as if all I had on was mascara and eyeliner. For shoes I put some simple black flats and before I even knew it I was already time for me to leave.

"Wow Nicole you look so pretty!!" Mya said as I walked over to the kitchen. "I wish I could go with you!"

"I wish you could too!!" I said hugging her. "I'm going to leave now, I don't want to be late. Bye." I said walking out.

On my way there I got nervous as I got closer. I wasn't even sure if Eric would talk to me now. I just hope I make at least one friend today.

I got there and reached in my back seat, I had already put my school bag in here. I took at deep breath before getting out of my car and told myself I could do this.

I walked in to the front door and everyone looked at me as I passed by. I tried my best to just smile at them but I ended up just looking down. Once I reached the office I walked In and introduced myself to the secretary. "Hi I'm Nicole Dallas, I'm just here to pick up my schedule and locker." I said smiling at her.

"Oh yes of course. Here you go! Your locker should be on the second floor with the rest of your senior class." she said handing me my stuff.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Have a fun first day here sweetheart."

"Locker number 230." I mumbled it to myself as I looked around to see if I could find it.

"Hey look is she new?"

Was all I heard as I looked around to find my locker. I hated being labeled as the 'new' girl. Like why couldn't they just introduce themselves and ask for my name instead of saying 'that's the new girl'. Rude!

"Oops! I'm so sorry!" I said as I bumped into someone.

"That's cool. Hi I'm Andrea, I don't think I've seen you around here before." she said while shaking my hand. Andrea had black hair, a nose piercing and had big brown chocolate eyes. She seemed friendly.

"I'm Nicole, I'm new here." I said smiling at her.

"Yooo! Babe wait up for me!" someone said. "Who's this?" he asked Andrea while wrapping his arms around her.

"Hi I'm Nicole!" I said. He looks familiar and his voice sounded like I've heard it before too.

"I'm Damian! I think I've seen you before?" he said raising an eyebrow.

"Do you need help looking for your locker?" She asked me.

"Yeah... I can't find it it's locker 230."

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