20. I could have died

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Chapter twenty

*I could have died*


Once I got back home I walked up to my room but stopped when I saw some light from the little crack on the bottom of Davids door. I made my way up to his door and knocked on it to see if he was okay.

"David are you alright?" I asked taking hold of the door knob and opening it up to see David lost in his own thoughts.


"Nicole!" he said finally looking up at me. I couldn't help but feel bad for him.

It probably wasn't the best time to ask him but I had to know. "David, who else knows about the pregnancy?"

"Just you guys."

"When are you guys going to tell Mya's family?" I asked taking a seat next to him.

"I don't know. Mya wants to wait."

"Wait for what? People are going to notice once she starts getting big."

"Nikki, Mya doesn't know if she wants to even have the baby."

"And you're just going to let her choose? David that's your baby too."

"I know but I'm to young to be parent and she is too." David said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well you need to think things out before you two decide what you two want." I said as I took hold of his hand.

"Thank you for not leaving me alone in all of this." He said taking me in for a hug.

"You know I wouldn't leave you in this alone..... Can I ask you something?"

Letting me go from the hug he nodded his head at me.

"Do you truly like Mya?"

"Of course I like her. I really mean it Nicole. I mean yeah I fucked up the first time, but this is my chance to show her that I really do like her."

"Wow David. This is the first time I hear you talk like that about a girl. I hope you guys make the right decision." With that said I made my way to my room.


The next morning I woke up to a soft knock on my door. Why must they have to wake me up so early??

"Come in." I said sitting up and stretching my arms out.

"Hey princess!"

Oh god it's Aideen!!

"Aideen? Why? No! Don't look at me!!" I said covering myself with my blanket.

"Nicole you look beautiful, now put the blanket down." he said giggling about my reaction.

"Don't lie to me! Turn around so I can go to the bathroom and fix myself a bit."


"Aideen!! Turn around!.... NOW!!!"

"Okay okay! I'm not looking." before getting out of my bed I checked to see if he wasn't lying to me.

"Okay I'm going. I'll tell you when it's safe to look." I said running to the bathroom.

"Nice shorts princess."

"I told you not to look!!!"

Aideen's POV

I fell back on Nicole's bed as I waited for her to come out of the bathroom.

"Glad you made yourself comfortable." I heard Nicole say.

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