21. Packing

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Chapter 21 *Packing*

Nicole's POV

My Saturday went better then what I thought it would go. Aideen's parents were as sweet as always, they treated me like if I was part of their family. Once it was time for me to go, they said goodbye and since they were going to be on a business trip the time I would be moving to Illinois they wished me the best of luck over there and told me I was always welcomed to come for vacation.

On Sunday my parents and David went over to Mya's house to talk to her parents. By the look on their faces when they came back I could tell that it didn't go as they wished. David had told me Mya's parents don't want her to go through with the pregnancy. David flipped out about that obviously, I would have done the same thing.

The week went by pretty quick. Which I hated that because this was my last week here. Aideen acted like everything was totally fine but I know he was just doing it so I wouldn't worry.

It was now Thursday and Aideen and Olivia were at my house to talk about some party they have been planning. Mya was also helping out but her and David had to go to a doctors appointment to know more about their options.

"Wait so you guys already have everything planned out?" I asked them while I shoved chips in my mouth.

Aideen gave a 'calm down look' before he said "Yes it's my graduation party."

"Yeah and besides people expect him to have a big party." Olivia said.

"Okay?? Then I don't see what you guys need my help for??"

"It was Aideens idea to come here we could have just done this in school so yeah.. Im leaving now see you two love birds tomorrow." Olivia said wiggling her eyebrows at me and leaving.

"Well someone was in a hurry." I said getting up from my bed and walking over to my dresser. I was still not done packing all of my things. I was hoping that at the last minute we wouldn't have to move anymore.

Aideen's POV

I look at Nicole as she starts taking her clothes out of her dresser and into a box. I couldn't wait to tell her about the big surprise I have for her at the party. I thought to myself as I layed down on her bed to relax.

"Aideen you falling asleep?"

"What? No I was just relaxing and thinking." I said lifting my head to look at her.

"What were you thinking about." She asked me as I sat up to now be at the end of her bed. I grabbed her by the hips and pulled her to me and said "I was thinking about us."

"What about us?" Nicole said wrapping her hands around my neck.

"Of how happy you make me and how I never want any of this to end." I said pulling her down so she was now on top of me, causing her to laugh.

Rolling her over to be on top now I gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "I don't want this to end either." she said putting both her hands on my face. She looked so beautiful that I just wanted to kiss her and hold her in my arms for ever and tell her I love her. I've been wanting to tell her this all week but I'm afraid she won't say it back or she might think it's to soon.

"Do you need any help bringing any of your boxes downstairs?" I said getting off of her and pulling her up.

"Now that you ask, I actually do. They're in my closet." She said giving me a smile.

I walked over to her closet and she had about 7 boxes already packed. "Damn Nicole! You already have like 7 boxes in here and you're still not done packing your stuff?"

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