11. Out of it

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Chapter Eleven

*Out of it*


"Guys stop yelling! Please." Olivia said looking like she was about to pass out after hearing my confession.

"Hey guys, don't mean to butt in but is it alright if I talk to Aideen for a bit?"

Really David? Do you not see we're in the the middle of something? My brother has the most horrible timing in the world.

"Can't you see we're all in the middle of something?" I said with an annoyed tone.

"No, Nikki let him go talk to David I think it's for the best right now." Mya said looking at David, as if she had just seen a ghost. I guess it was because of what just went down a couple of minutes ago.

With that said, David and Aideen walked into my mom and dad's home office. Now I was wondering what they were going to go talk about.

Oh! Maybe it's about what happened yesterday.


Aideen's POV

Two weeks. I only had two more weeks with my princess. That's almost nothing. Two weeks or less to be with her.

"Hey Aideen are you even paying attention to what I'm saying?"

"I'm sorry what was that?" I said looking at David for the first time since we came into his parents office.

"I just said I was sorry for the way I reacted with you yesterday it's because you know she's my baby sister and I don't want anything or anyone to hurt her."

"Oh yeah no problem dude I understand, I would have acted the same way too."

"So we cool now?"

"Yeah..." I said while trying to force a smile.

"Good, hey what's wrong you look kinda down."

"No I'm fine..... Ummm I have to go now, talk to you later."

Without even letting him say anything back to me I walked out.

Next thing you know I felt somebody bump into me. I quickly took hold of that person and looked down to see none other then Nicole.

"Sorry I wasn't paying attention." I said still holding tightly on to her.

"Olivia and Mya just left so I was going to go check on you and David."

I felt her eyes travel from my eyes down to my lips. Causing me to want to kiss her and never let her go. But I couldn't. Now was not the time to. Letting her go, I took a step back from her, putting my hands in my pockets. I could tell she was not expecting that from me.

"I was actually about to leave too." I said walking away and making my way to the front door.

"Aideen you can't just leave me like that. We haven't even talked about this or about us." She said walking up to me.

Us? Why should we talk about us? She's probably going to end up dumping me when she leaves. And I wasn't ready to hear her say we were over... Already.


Happy Valentines Day!!!

I know sorry for the really short chapter I'll make it up to you guys later with a longer one I promise.

Also did you guys like Aideen's POV? Comment on what you think :)

Do you guys think Nicole is really going to dump Aideen?!?! ;)

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