32. Beg Me

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* Beg Me *


It's been a about two weeks already and I still couldn't get over the fact that Aideen had left me. I still had a little hope that he could come to clear things out, but he never did and I think he never will. Everyone in the house has still been trying to get me to talk about what happened, but I ignore them. They know it had something to do with Aideen because of the fact he hasn't come to see me.

My hands and arms are getting better. I just hate the fact that I have a couple of scars that are noticeable in my arms. I'll always have them there to remind me of my melt down, knowing I got those scars the day Aideen left me. So no matter how much I try to forget him, I can't because all I have to do is look at the scars.

These two last weeks have consisted of me just staying in my house all the time. I never wanted to go out with my family anymore. I was always wearing baggy clothes, wouldn't do my hair or makeup. I wouldn't even eat, even if my mom would do my favorite food I would just pick at it. I guess you could say it was like Aideen had taken all my happiness away from me.

School was right around the corner now, meaning summer was coming to an end. Mya wasn't going to go to school with me because she had decided she would just be homeschooled. It was my senior year and I wasn't one bit excited to start it.

"Nicole, your friend Eric is here to see you." I heard my mom say from behind the door.

"No I don't want to see anyone.. Tell him I'm sleeping or something."

"I'm right here, I can hear you.." he said walking into my room, laughing. Wow mom thanks for the heads up.

He laid on my bed like if he was in his house. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Well what does it look like in doing?" he said sarcastically.

"Seriously, I don't want to talk to anyone so can you just please leave me alone?" I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Nope." he said popping the 'p'. "You got any food? I'm starving."

"For you no, so if your hungry go bye some food and LEAVE ME ALONE!" I said yelling at the last part.

All it caused him to do was laugh at me and shake his head. "This isn't funny Eric, just go...." I whispered looking down at the ground feeling my eyes get watery. What the hell am I crying about?

"Are you crying?" He said sounding concerned. I felt him get closer to me and next thing you know he held my chin up so I could look at him in his eyes. "Come on lets go get some food."

"I'm not hungry." I said slapping his hand off of me.

"You will be, now come on." He said lifting me and throwing me over his shoulder. Aideen used to do that to me......

"Put me down, I don't like to be held like that!"

"Fine." I thought he was going to put me down but he didn't. Instead he put me around his back, holding me from the back and back of my knees. This is such a weird position.

"Eric!! This is horrible!! Put me down!" I said while trying to wiggle myself out of his grip.

"Not until you volunteer to come with me." I could see his lips turn into a smirk. Jerk.

"Fine! I'll go with you."

"That doesn't really convince me.... Beg me to take you." His smirk growing bigger.

"What? No! I'm not going to beg you!" I said once again trying to wiggle myself out of his grip.

"Then I guess I'm not putting you down."

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