17.Everything Has To Come To An End

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Chapter Seventeen

*Everything has to come to an End*


Nicole's POV

After Aideen took me out for dinner we went to my house. When we arrived at my house I didn't see Davids car. Where could he be?

I wondered.

"Are you coming inside with me Aideen?"

"I don't know princess. I don't think its a good idea." Aideen said placing his hand on my leg twirling his finger around my knee.

"Okay thats fine ill just see you tomorrow. Bye Aideen." I said giving him a kiss.


Once I got inside I called out for David but I didn't get any response. I guess he wasn't home yet.

Since I didn't have anything to do I decided to call Mya and Olivia to invite them over. Mya didn't pick up, so I called Olivia hoping she would answer.

"Hey how did it go with David?" Olivia said before I even had the chance to say hi to her.

"Bad. Are you with Mya?"

"No she told me she had something important to do. Why?"

"Oh I was just wondering because I called her but she didn't pick up. Do you want to come over?"

"Yeah ill be over in a bit. You want me to bring some movies?'

"Yeah bring some. See you in a bit."


Mya's POV

After telling Olivia that I had to go do something important, I made my way to the park to meet up with David.

I don't even know why I decided to come in the first place.

"Mya." I heard David say. "I didn't think you were actually going to come." He said walking towards me and taking a seat by the bench.

"Yeah well I didn't either." I said while avoiding eye contact with him.

"Listen Mya the reason why I asked you to meet me here is because I wanted to apologize to you for treating you wrong. I was an idiot for hurting your feelings." David said to me while taking hold of one of my hands making me feel chills.

It was hard to believe him, but there was something in his eyes that told me he was being completely honest with me. So I said something I thought I would never say to David after all he put me through.

"David. I forgive you. People make mistakes and deserve a second chance."

"Thank you Mya. You don't know how much this means to me." He said pulling me in for a hug, then looking right in my eyes.

We were so close to each other having the sensation to kiss him but I couldn't, well not for now.

Maybe this was a sign that he started to like me?

I have faith he is being honest with me.


Nicole's POV

I got up from the couch when I heard the door bell ring, knowing it was probably Olivia.

"Hey, come inside." I told her.

"So I brought five different movies." She said showing them to me. She had Ted, Step up Revolution, The Conjuring, The Unborn and Twilight.

I really wanted to watch the Step Up movie but I had already seen it like a thousand times.

"How about you pick the movie while I go get us some snacks and drinks?" I told Olivia.

"Okay but dont get mad at me for picking one you dont want to watch." She said walking over to the DVD player.

When I got back, I saw Olivia on her phone texting "Who you texting?" I asked.

"Mya but she wont text back I wonder where she is." Olivia said.

"Shes probably with her her mom. So what movie did you pick" I asked her handing her drink to her and taking a seat.

"I picked the Conjuring." She said giving me a smirk.

"You little ass! You did this on purpose! You know I can't stand scary movies!" I told her while chucking a pillow at her.

"Oh my bad I totally forgot haha!" She said pressing play on the movie.

"Yeah sure you forgot" I said.


After the movie was finally over I took my hands off of my face.

"Oh come on Nicole it wasn't even that bad!" Olivia said laughing at me.

"Thats easy for you to say! You're used to seeing horror movies!" I said smacking her on the back of her head.

Me and Olivia sat there laughing at each other until Olivia's Phone rang.

"Oh crap I totally forgot my mom was going to work tonight. I have to go take care of my annoying little sister Bri." Olivia said putting on her shoes as fast as she can. "Bye Nicole see you later."

"Okay bye Olivia." I said to her as she opened the door and left.

I walked back to my living room and laid down on my couch. I was wondering where in the world David could be. I was going to wait for him to get back home but I had school tomorrow.

When I was making my way up to my room, I checked my phone and saw a text from Mom and Aideen.

I opened up my Moms text first it said that they are hoping to be back on friday and that we should start packing our clothes for when we move.

After I finished rolling my eyes at the last part my mom said I opened up Aideen's text,

"Hey how did it go with David?"

I texted him back saying, "I haven't had the chance to talk to him. Ill tell you tomorrow."

And he quickly replied saying "All right. Goodnight my beautiful princess."


*It is now friday*


The rest of the week went by pretty fast.

All week it felt like David was trying to avoid me so I still haven't had the chance to talk to him.

Aideen and I were as happy as can be. Well at least for now.... I knew this happiness would come to an end once I move away.

Olivia was like always, getting herself into trouble and Mya.... well thats a little different. Every time we would plan to hang out after school she would say she couldn't because she had something else to do or she would go with us but then leave right away.

I wonder where she would go but most of all with who?

Because even though I didn't have any clue where she was, I had a strange feeling somebody was involved.


Hope you all enjoyed!!

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